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EMI !!! Ehh?

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Yeeah, see, this is no fun at all. And I mean no fun in the 'still interesting but not moving forward'-kind of way.


I'm truging around all over this f***ing island which I can't even remember the name of, gabbing it up with fat woodoochics, harbour-dominatrix extraordinaires and one lazy son of a bitch who won't open his door!


And all I've got to show for myself is a rubber-thingy in my pocket, and it's not even the fun kind of rubber-thingy!


How do I get of this f***ing island (what's that name again?).


Oh, oh, I do have a navigator though. Is he tradeable for a drink?

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You seem upset.


Well, if you haven't been able to do anything productive, on the first island of the game, and it's made you this pissed off, I'd highly suggest dropping the game right now, because you don't seem to be the adventure game type.


The greatest accomplishment of your so far is getting a navigator, which means that you've completed the simple, almost arcade insult arm wrestling, and nothing else of deep thought. Therefore, I'm thinking that you're not going to figure much else out, for any number of reasons, and even if you did, you probably wouldn't enjoy it.


So put the game down now, before you give yourself an ulcer.

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Or maybe try stopping that guy knocking down your house by using the rubber thingie in a constructive way, with maybe some pretzels. If this all seems too much for you, try doing what Jawa said and drop the game.

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Rustybitch

Yeeah, see, this is no fun at all. And I mean no fun in the 'still interesting but not moving forward'-kind of way.


I'm truging around all over this f***ing island which I can't even remember the name of, gabbing it up with fat woodoochics, harbour-dominatrix extraordinaires and one lazy son of a bitch who won't open his door!


And all I've got to show for myself is a rubber-thingy in my pocket, and it's not even the fun kind of rubber-thingy!


How do I get of this f***ing island (what's that name again?).


Oh, oh, I do have a navigator though. Is he tradeable for a drink?

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