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Sideshow steps into the spotlight


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Yeh, I realized I uploaded the wrong file when I sent you the PM, so once I saw it didn't work I re-uploaded. ;)


I dunno, Steven Tyler was in video game, that might take the cake. :p


And I got the white shoulder pad one, it came with a little droid too, which I uh.... broke....


Actually, think I broke the Sandtrooper too.

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Didn't you break a 3 3/4" one? I was looking at old topics (funny as hell! must reads for you, me, and Andrew :p) and you lost the Sandtrooper's leg. I started laughing at that.


And as for my sig, this is not the pic I originally wanted. I don't know how I sent this one. They may have changed the names or something. But I think it turned out even better this way. Great scene.

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I know what I did wrong. I clicked link properties instead of image properties. By clicking on the pic, it scrolled to the next pic (the one I sent you). I wanted this one and wanted both Owen and Vince in it. I wanted them kinda off center with the Christmas comes early thing to the side, much like you've done with my current one.


And yeah, back on topic, go Sideshow!

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Yah, i know not many poeple here care about the sideshow thing, but weve (me and matt, since were using first names lol) been wating for this for soem time, so i hope hasrbo doesnt screw it up and make sideshow go the way Mcfarlane might.... Luckily Todd was smart enough to make sure the line will continue, with hasbro at the riegns it could crash and burn. I dont wanna see the first sidehshow toys that hit main stpres be p[eg warmers, which is a harsbro skill. Ohh well, we'll see in the coming months.


Reading this old page..lol

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Yeah, McFarlane made way too many things. And since the last two Matrix movies are rated so poorly, those toys did not sell well. Heh, it's funny that the only two I have happen to be from Revolutions, my least favorite one. I hope he manages to get back on his feet. I don't get his stuff anymore, but still. His stuff is some of the most detailed out there. I hope Sideshow doesn't suffer the same fate. They've been around since '95. McFarlane was around back then as well, maybe '96.


And since we're on topic of sigs as well, I was told to resize mine. I thought I would be told, not just so soon. I'm actually surprised my avatar and custom title are allowed here :pEdit: Err, not anymore it seems. Sunvabitch! :p

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Yah I buy mcfarlane because im a pretty big media geek, i think im gonna buy a new alien vs predator figure, the one where predator is throwing the alien...i actually liked the movie. Plus they make music figures, and i think the 3rd quarter of this year (september ish) the guns n' roses slash figure is released, and some napoleon dynomite figures. I have quite a few matrix ones, the entire revolutions series (not boxed sets) and about 3 out of 6 (i think) from reloaded, and sadly only one figure ( tank) from the original..

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Sideshow has gotten the license for SW stuff for 3 years..


Back on topic, I wonder how this new 12" line affects their license. Will they hold it for more than 3 years now or what? Thoughts anyone? I say if Hasbro is smart, nothing would have changed. If these things are marketed well and are successful, then Sideshow will get the opportunity to renew the license and for a longer time.

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Yah, that would be smart.


I still worry if hasbro takes over marketing that the old sideshow, where only people who knew toys could get them, will be kinda destroyed...


I mean i love sideshow, and while i dont own ALOT of stuff by by them, i repect them alot...and i dont want to see anything happen to the company. So if hasbro orders sideshow to make alot of the figures, and put them on retail shelves...i dont think (firts of all) that they will sell very well with a $40 price tag, and we will see some peg warmers...thus hurting sideshow, and the overall value of the figures.

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My dad gets Bonds. I would have settled with Connery and Brosnan in the tux, but he gets more anyways. They're all nice, I just could do with more of something else is all. You know I got the PotA. Not sure where that'll go after the Beneath PotA guys come. More sequel guys or secondary characters like Julius the jailor or Lucius the nephew? Time will tell. That's all I get from them but agree about respecting them. They are awesome.

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