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What should Monkey 5 be about?

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If you were in control of Monkey Island 5, what would the story be? Mine would go a bit like--


The Ruins of Monkey Island


Part 1. After Elaine and Guybrush go off to sea together, Elaine is bitten by a golden skull and finds herself turning into a zombie.


Part 2. Guybrush discovers (via Voodoo Lady) that the effects can be reversed, if he finds a secret elixer once in possesion of LeChuck. Along the way, he runs afoul of Largo LaGrande.


Part 3. Elaine and Guybrush arrive at Monkey Island, and search the ruins of LeChuck's old fortress in an effort to find the elixier. Largo follows them there and revives LeChuck.


Part 4. Elaine drinks the elixier and returns to normal. Guybrush and Elaine must now defeat LeChuck and Largo if they want to get off the island alive.


Just an idea. Probably needs to be fleshed out.

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Originally posted by spaceflounder

Part 3. Elaine and Guybrush arrive at Monkey Island, and search the ruins of LeChuck's old fortress in an effort to find the elixier. Largo follows them there and revives LeChuck.


Wasn't LeChuck's Fortress in some unknown part of the sea?

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In Mi1, he lives in his ship underground on a river of lava. In Mi2, he has a fortress somewhere out to see where no one knows where it is. In Mi3, he's back underground again in the amusement park and in Mi4, he takes up shop masquerading as some bloke who want's to be governor and make things all too political for a Monkey Island game.


No actualy fortress on Monkey Island.

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Because stupid Gilbert wouldn't know what to do with them.

Sorry, but I think its wrong to think of him as a god when it was a calaboration betwen him, the wonderful Tim Schafer and Dave Grossman and the rest of the crew that came up with the two games, Gilbert may have ah the idea in the first place, but it was all of them that fleshed it out into the game you see before you.


Plus the rights to Monkey Island still make LucasArts money, through sales of the previous games, selling the rights would be selling any future profits, and LucasArts are all about profit these days.

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Let's revise, shall we?


The Ruins of Monkey Island


Part 1. After Elaine and Guybrush go off to sea together, Elaine is bitten by a golden skull and finds herself turning into a zombie.


Part 2. Guybrush discovers (via Voodoo Lady) that the effects can be reversed, if he finds a secret elixer once in possesion of LeChuck. Along the way, he runs afoul of Largo LaGrande.


Part 3. Elaine and Guybrush arrive at Monkey Island, and search the ruins of LeChuck's old CARNIVAL (not fortress) in an effort to find the elixier. Largo follows them there and revives LeChuck.


Part 4. Elaine drinks the elixier and returns to normal. Guybrush and Elaine must now defeat LeChuck and Largo if they want to get off the island alive.

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The Ruins of Monkey Island


Part 1. After Elaine and Guybrush go off to sea together, Elaine is bitten by a golden skull and finds herself turning into a zombie.


Part 2. Guybrush discovers (via Voodoo Lady) that the effects can be reversed, but only by passing through the gates of Big Whoop can she be made human again. Along the way, he runs afoul of Largo LaGrande.


Part 3. Elaine and Guybrush arrive at Monkey Island, in an effort to find Big Whoop. Largo follows them there and revives LeChuck.


Part 4. Elaine enters Big Whoop and returns to normal. Guybrush and Elaine must now defeat LeChuck and Largo if they want to get off the island alive.

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I don't understand why LucasArts is so paranoid about fangame projects! This sort of thing wouldn't be too hard to do--use AGS to build it, set the style to be a game made in the early 90's (ala Monkey II).


Would I really deprive any profit from LucasArts by making a simple little fangame set in the Monkey Island universe?

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It's not that, it' just that they're a little techy about copyrights and such, despite such fangames being distributed free. Come up with a game which is surprisingly like a monkey island game, but change the names around. LA would of course know, but be powerless to do anything about it.


A lot of nicer gameing companies allow fangames and some even encourage them, but LA are a bit stiff about fangames.

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Monkey 5 should be about , well i dont know but Id like to see a lot more insult swordfighting a return of Largo Legrande, Revisitations (is that a word?) of islands from the first 2 like Scabb, Booty Phatt and most certainly monkey! Also BRING BACK BILL TILLErR! they should try to involve Ron Gilbert by concinving him to work on MOnkey 5. skip the 3d and bring back the elements that made the game A SWASHBUCKLING ADVENTURE OF PIRATEY PROPORTIONS! :zamn1:

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Originally posted by Cap'n Bender

excuse me Rayjjones but ive only been on this site for 2 days. have you thought about the fact that perhaps i never noticed?


That's probably exactly what he thought, which is why he said that, he was being nice (something you'll rarely see from rayjones, so be thankful) and giving you advice.


Also welcome to this wonderful world of Monkey Island and our community. Don't forget to pick up a sombrero.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Your plot seems okay Spaceflounder, but there is a small problem with it. You posted earlier about not liking EMI very much, so you may not remember this either: at the end of EMI, Ozzy Mandril zaps LeChuck with the ultimate insult. So if LeChuck lost his ego, why would he still fight Guybrush and Elaine?

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Perhaps Lechuck gets the sense knocked back into him when he lands after blasting off at the end of EMI. The whole pulling out the ice thing was worse than that so i see no reason why they can't use as stupid an excuse as that.

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