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Jedi Confusion


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Okay in publish 10 I was hearing about unlocking a second chrachter slot or something like that when we complete the force sensitive quests. Dose that mean I will have one chrachter as a regular guy as a bh for example, and a chrachter as a jedi? I really don't want to surrendur evreything I have for a jedi:(

Please help me im about to have a brain fart:confused:

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If memory serves, once you hit force sensitivity with your main character, you can either have that character be the one who can become a jedi (if you want), or you can start a second character on that server that is a jedi from the start. I believe the advantage with the latter may be the nifty clothes and lightsaber crafting kit.


I would like my master DE to get that force goodness to improve his crafting abilities AND start a jedi proper on the same server, but I doubt that's a possibility.


What I like about this choice, and the recent revamp, is the RP possibilities. Before this publish it wasn't really possible to RP someone who's going about their life as normal, then discovers they're far more talented at whatever they do than is normal, then go on to discover their true potential...

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When you unlock your FSC youll have 2 character slots one with your normal character which will never be able to be a jedi, and youll have your FSC which is your Jedi which is like starting a whole new character.

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