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Another n00b question...


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Guest DarthMaulUK

you buy one from a vendor. its a deed. Once u activate the deed, your speeder will sit in your datapad



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I don't know what server you're on, but I haven't been able to find a deed for a speeder in over a week on any vendor. You may wind up having to get one from a merchant. I've been looking myself for a conventional speederbike, because the swops wear out too quickly.

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Originally posted by Darth MarcII

I don't know what server you're on, but I haven't been able to find a deed for a speeder in over a week on any vendor. You may wind up having to get one from a merchant. I've been looking myself for a conventional speederbike, because the swops wear out too quickly.


Ories sells them out of Cori Celesti, Corellia in our mall, good prices, i think his vendor might of been all sold out though, but you could check i guess

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ories' vendor should always be stocked. If it's not it's because I haven't been in-game for awhile. :) But as long as I'm around I keep it updated with 8 or 9 of each kind.


Prices are:

Landspeeder: 13,750 Cr (roughly

Speeder Bike: 18,900 Cr

Swoop: 25,200 Cr


Location: Cori Celesti Shopping Center, Denendre Valley, Corellia.


Directions: Take a shuttle to Cori Celesti on Corellia. Take a left when exiting the shuttleport, then a right when you pass Xanadu's -A-lien, Clothing for All store on your right, and continue up the street till you hit the PA Hall on your right.



You can sometimes also find cheaper vehicles there when the experimentations didn't go to well.

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