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Biggest things that make JK2 the superior game


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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

People aren't necessarily bored with the game, but they are getting bored with the same maps.



Aye, thats where I come in :) I love being a mapper, but.. well.. like it was said, people dont download stuff. Another annoying thing is those crap maps, I hate them :(


In my opinion, a lot of the JA maps are too big. Very nice, but too big, which is not good for a steady fast paced FFA. CTF can be ok, with like 10 players, but the FFA maps are too big, and some of them dont have the proper flow for FFA. Im not saying they are bad maps, but.. the flow is wrong, in my opinion. For example, why would I want to run into a dead end room? That room is just eating FPS (if made incorrectly, or has windows.. or something of that nature) and lagging the server (just a bit)

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Originally posted by Rumor

there are mods that surpass siege. Galactic Battlegrounds, anyone?


Hell, UT2004 Assault is better.


Galactic Battlegrounds... the game? 'Cause that's not a mod, though many have labelled it merely Age of Kings with Star Wars graphics and some air units bolted on.

; )


So you essentially have a non-3-D RTS game, vs. an FPS? Surely you jest!


UT's assault has always rocked. But where are you going to get the Star Wars universe's official version of it with force and sabers thrown into the mix?


Even UT2k4 Troopers doesn't (yet) have that.


As to not being able to strafe jump, I guess you'd have to show me what you mean... perhaps not all classes can strafe jump, but some of them surely can.



By no means is Siege a perfect game mode, but it's kick ass fun (when done right) and (for me) surpasses anything in JK2. And Siege Destroyer2 is on the same level as the rest of Siege, so to my mind it should be considered as part of the "package" that Raven (& co.) included with the game.

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Originally posted by Ace-_Ventura

true. i play on xmod and basejka and with forceregen 200 and when a guy from ja+ mod joins the server he always talk about the force being messed up. saying that it isn't the default.


I had the same problem.






Or they start to rant about how JA is "for n00bs" because the "force is too easy." ; )


All I can say is... n00bs (and slider, admit it, they played right into your hands).


Make the "default value" either 150 or 200 in the server.cfg you distribute with the mod and let people figure it out on their own.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Galactic Battlegrounds... the game? 'Cause that's not a mod, though many have labelled it merely Age of Kings with Star Wars graphics and some air units bolted on.

; )


So you essentially have a non-3-D RTS game, vs. an FPS? Surely you jest!


UT's assault has always rocked. But where are you going to get the Star Wars universe's official version of it with force and sabers thrown into the mix?


Even UT2k4 Troopers doesn't (yet) have that.


As to not being able to strafe jump, I guess you'd have to show me what you mean... perhaps not all classes can strafe jump, but some of them surely can.



By no means is Siege a perfect game mode, but it's kick ass fun (when done right) and (for me) surpasses anything in JK2. And Siege Destroyer2 is on the same level as the rest of Siege, so to my mind it should be considered as part of the "package" that Raven (& co.) included with the game.


err i meant galactic conquest or whatever that bf1942 mod is called.


And "Official" doesn't mean its better ;) I love having forces, etc. but they don't make one game better than another.

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Originally posted by razorace

I don't know about that. While I agree that it's a pain in the ass, I really doubt it's the root cause of any community issues.


The Quake games used the same system and I never heard of it causing any real problems.


I'm sure the main reason for people leaving the community is (and will probably always be) due to individuals gettin bored with the game.


Actually, that is precisely why games start dying. People don't want to spend the time downloading off a server, and they get bored of the base maps and go find other games.

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I don't understand why people continue to whine that JA sucks and JK2 rules, basing this opinion only on the "fact" that JA saber dueling is problematic.


Most of the problems associated with saber combat can be "fixed" in 1.01 using cvars. If you really want things back the way they were in JK2, yes, Xmod2 will do most of that for you.


But JA (like JK2) is so much deeper than saber dueling.


Honestly, JK2 has nothing like Siege, and to me, that makes JA superior.


Oh, sure, there's the "SAGA" mod, but that's what, two maps? No classes, no vehicles, simplistic objectives, laggy levels, basically an unfinished concept slapped together (no offense to the guys who tried to get it working, but it can't match a commercially finished product).


The game itself simply has a different dynamic. Some hardcore JK2 players don't like the new dynamic, fine. They don't have to play JA do they? I'm speaking soley of multiplayer here, btw. Obviously both games have their strong points in SP, but again, except for a neater storyline, JK2's SP just isn't as nice as JA's. There are more "stupid" puzzles, and those early gun maps are quite frustrating. While JA retains some of these flaws, it makes better use of the engine to make the locations look cool and to give you more "fun" in your missions.


In JA you can fly starfighters and dogfight over a Star Destroyer or through an asteroid field with other people. In JK2, there's nothing like that.


JA is simply more advanced, and offers more options. It's got better technology. Though whether it is more "fun" depends on personal taste.


And yes, JA+ Mod has serious flaws, which I've gone over many times, so I needn't go over them again...



As far as "what causes a game to die" yes, it is due to boredom on the part of players. But certain games stay alive because they continue to get new players. This is true of Star Wars games especially (the good ones) because as long as people like Star Wars, they will be willing to try it out, as long as they can get a copy.


But as for mods, I would hazard that actually a small percentage of people who buy a game actually download and use custom made mods. Other than Online-Only games of course. Not everyone is as savvy as us, believe it or not! Heck, lots of people don't even play multiplayer ('cause their connection is bad, or they just don't have the patience). So they play the game through once and then it goes on the shelf.


Or, like you said, they play the base maps until they get tired of 'em and then they quit.



Though, some of us remember how a good portion of the JK1 community played only one map for aproximately 3 years.... ; )


JK1's biggest problem was with the cheaters. Lots of people left because of them. But all in all, we still got enough people to keep things going with Star Wars fans who gave it a try and the hardcore players who remained either due to Canyon Oasis addiction or who liked mods and mod making. What really "killed" JK1/MotS was the release of JK2. Though there are still people making mods and playing the game, it's just a tiny fraction of what it was in the heyday (any game's first 4-6 months are usually their heyday).

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Precisely. JA has AT-ST's in SP as well.


Personally I think the MP version is much more fun to use anyway.




As to Galactic Conquest, again, it's a totally different game. Apples to oranges.


And while "official" doesn't guarentee quality (Jedi Power Battles.. cough cough), it does afford a better chance of it being good. After all, you have proffessional developers being paid actual money for their efforts, not just some guys making an amateur mod in their spare time. These guys have an actual budget and actual deadlines to meet. So it wouldn't surprise me at all if Battlefront ends up being superior to Galactic Conquest, barring some major major screw up at LucasArts & co.


Likewise I would expect Republic Commando to be a more polished product than UT2k4 Troopers: Dawn of Destiny for the same reasons.


I'm not saying Siege is a substitute for a game like Battlefront, anymore than Asteroids Mod is a substitute for Rebel Strike.


Rather, it's nice to have that variety of gameplay and options all in one nice package for a game that is already pretty good.


And these are options and gameplay features that are just not offered in the previous game. That's my whole point. If you just like Saber fighting, then that's just one of the many features, and you can already have that in JK2.


If JK2's saber fighting was already perfect, then of course you're going to be upset that it was messed with in the new game, and that's fine. You have the option to not play the new game. Raven could have redone the saber system from scratch I suppose to make it a revolutionary step up, but it just looks like they weren't given the time to do so.

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Aye, sadly it seems that JA wasnt really finished, and Im sure that Raven may have done a completly new, and better saber code if they had the time. I mean, I like the graphics, there ARE better than JK2 (turn all the graphics to low in boths games, and JA has a largly noticable advantage than JK2.


I wish JA had been delayed a month or so longer, just to fix things like that evil server bug, which I personally think did the most damage to the game. Think about it, if I just get JA (and didnt know about this place) then I load up MP and see no servers, I would think hey, I guess this game just didnt make it, and put it on the shelf. Im sure several people are still buying the game, but they load MP and see 3 servers and just dont bother...



Some games come with preinstalled patches, they should include the patch on the JA CD so people can automatically have there game fixed right out of the box.


People need to remember that JA is a different game (it was marketed as a NEW game) so.. its supposed to be different. It has to be, or its the same game. Its good that the saber combat has changed a lot... that makes it different.

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