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Guest DarthMaulUK

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Phreak I'd like to see an Isengard player fend off Ents supported by Legolas less than 10 minutes into the game, I've tried and failed remember for Isengard they need an expensive building for upgrades, Evil side Heroes are grossly underpowered comapred to the good sides heroes.

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Dude, an Entmoot costs 5000 gold. Just don't let them the opportunity to get one. Legolas costs 3000(without statues).


4 limited time Ents + Legolas cost a total of 8000 gold.

Lurtz costs way less(I think it's 1500 or 1200).

The only underpowered hero is Saruman. He's seriously weak compared to Gandalf. He shouldn't be as strong as Gandalf but he should be better. Like better recharge rate for fireballs or something.

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Beleive me it can be done it propably takes skill but it's still very imbalanced for Ents to be that resistant to fire arrows and when you attack the moot it finishes immediatly. Luke the Ents arn't for a limited time your thinking of the summon Ent Allies Power. and they got Legolas very early, I've seen it done and I didn't like it



archers could use a nerf as well and Directional armour should be in as well, it looks rediculous for my pikemen to kill Rohirrim when the Rohirrim run into the back of ther pikemen with pikes down and all die, it would add more strategy for the moment all I have to do is just leave a few Pikemen lieing round in wait for a few horses to kill.

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The four Ents that spawn with the Entmoot have a limited life. It is the ones that are built after that don't have time limits.


I agree about the Pikemen thing. That is stupid but archers are not that unbalanced. They do need to be a lot weaker against swordsman or something. Right now, FU archers mow down anything that comes their way except for FU Rohirrims with a higher level.

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and with Gondor they can get muck cheap upgrades and have the toughest army in the game:p


Tower Guards special formations when they've got heavy armour makes them virtually invincible, they may not be able to move fast but after all in a battle you don't do a lot of running around.


Archers could do without being 100% accurate, Haradrim seem to be slightly innaccurate so why not all other archer units, and Someone mentioned that all archers but elven warriors get an attack power decrease from fire arrows in some cases.


Luke those four free ents will last long enough to seriously mangle an economy early game and if you try to attack the moot while it's building you dig your own grave Ents are insanely strong in the first 10 minutes and then for the Evil side very hard to beat off.


To do that with Isengard it's 1000 (propably higher since because of Isengards rediculous troop upgrade prices I have to go Foundry heavy econ wise) resources for Fire arrowed Crossbow Uruks and then another 1500 for the armory and then 1200 for the fire arrows. Not easy to get that early on and of course 1 squad of Uruks like that won't last long at all so you'll have to build at least 2-3 squads for each ent and then perhaps invest in heavy armour. meanwhile your enemy can keep building ents which for the damage they do to an army are more than worth their cost, seriously OP.


I think Saruman should always beat a gandalf the grey while a gandalf the white should always beat a saruman, and both of them should require a few power points to build and increase the cost of Gandalf the white so that'll help keep the army of the dead being broken out too early for a balrog to be even 5 points away. Saruman should have his abilities recharge faster and make the Speech craft actually give a noticeable differnce all the time, sometimes it makes a big differnce sometimes it doesn't usually when there are less units it doesn't work.


Better yet make all heroes cost a power point to build and revive except the Evil Sides Anti heroes and the good sides Hobbits.

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Eh you're right. I kind of forgot about the cost of Isengard's upgrades since I always play Rohan.


Gondor's power is its defense. Obviously, those pesky tower guards have such a high defense it's almost ridiculous. FU with locked shields, almost nothing can get them, even archers.



Saruman's powers aren't even close to Gandalf's. His Fireballs are good and so is Wizard Blast but Wormtongue and Speechcraft aren't all that great.


Especially Wormtongue. It has a small area of effect and converts the enemy for such a short time. Compared to what Gandalf can get...One leadership bonus, 3 offensive powers, a horse and a nuke.

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