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I Have A Little Weapon Favor To Ask


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I recently downloaded the 'Final Fantasy: Advent Children Weapons' mod by Orion and was hoping they could be used in Single Player, well guess what, they can't.


So I e-mailed Orion and he said to qoute, "Hey yeah thatd be pretty cool to have in SP but i dunno how to mod in sp..lol sry man i would if i could but i cant... if u find some1 that can then u can tell them that they have my permission if i get credit.^_^"


If anyone feels like trying it e-mail me at DarkBlade2Z@aol.com


Thanks! :fett:

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Originally posted by Ace-_Ventura

u can't mod on sp, no sdk


dude.. you can map, model, skin, and script for SP. That includes putting guns in SP. Like |GG|Crow_Nest said, open up the assets pk3 files and check out how Raven put guns in SP.. then do the same. The only thing is you will probably have to replace some guns.

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

Like |GG|Crow_Nest said, open up the assets pk3 files and check out how Raven put guns in SP.. then do the same. The only thing is you will probably have to replace some guns.


Doing that does not always work. Even if you followed every step of a tut correctly, you might not get and saber in your hand, or just a reborn hilt with a red saber.

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Open up the .pk3 file and look in the ext data folder. Open up the sabers or swords in this case and look at the .sab file. In single player you can open consule and type in the saber name like this:


saber kyle


thus giveing you kyle's saber. The same applies to modded sabers. you just have to find the right name, that's what i do for mine. I downloaded a pack found the saber i liked and use its .sab file


saber obi-wan_1


that's it.

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