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Well it is the same engine as KOTOR so the graphics will be pretty much the same, other than what FiEND pointed out in his post that Obsidian was adding for KOTOR:TSL... and all that weather and animation stuff Bioware could have added in to the original KOTOR in the first place.


Oh well... at least KOTOR:TSL is going to be pretty darned cool! :D

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Originally posted by RubADucky

Good graphics or not, it doesn't matter to me but it seems the graphics haven't improved in Kotor II. Anyone notice improvements?


Not sure that I would want them. Completely different graphics might not make it feel like a continuation of the first game, but that's just my opinion :D

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Originally posted by RubADucky

I want high res characters!!!


The characters will have to be almost like in KOTOR since it is the same game engine, and not everyone can run the game smoothly on high res... so expect it to be very similar to KOTOR, that is the safe bet, just KOTOR:TSL will have a lot more bells and whistles! :D

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It doesn't matter if I have a girl friend or not, it has nothing to do with it. I just enjoy saying funny things to Bastila and then she would say something serious. Anyways I hope KOTOR II isn't a subpar sequel. It always happens, the first games in the series are always good and then the sequels start to go downhill. Well lets just pray thats not going to happen.

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