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Shadows of the Empire Mod for JA (aka "Want List")


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1. HOTH YES! I like it. I honestly hate the level in JA where Jaden goes to Echo base. The war room is neat and orderly. This is not how it looked when it was abandoned (see the scene in ESB). I am going to scrap how Raven made echo base look. I think I might redesign the map completely. It's nice and all how the original SOTE and JA crews made the interior look, but it doesn't feel right. In ESB I have always felt like Echo base was a huge snow fort. Growing up in Minnesota I know EXACTLY what that was like.


I like your idea of having colapsing corridors. I think, just to taunt the player, I'm going to have a corridor that leads directly to docking bay 3. You can even see the Outrider in the distance. As the player begins to walk down that corridor, the celing colapses. "Can't get through that way."


I also plan on having NPC battles going on around Dash. To get the feeling for this, play the first scene in ANH when the droids are trying to get around on Tantive IV. They themselves aren't participating in the battle, but it is going on around them.


Nice insight MikeGunther1969. I don't have SWBF. Can you make some screenshots?


2. GALL O.k. I think you are reading my mind. I was thinking that i want this level to have the exact same feel as the first Valley of the Jedi level.


3. SUPROSA I think I'm going to change just a few things about the level overall. The bridge will be different completely. The crew quarters will be the same. As for the engineering section. I don't know what I want to do with that. It's tricky because I am not a big fan of the "no better way to go" than through some big mechanical contraption. I like to point out the movie Space Quest when the captain and sigourney weaver have to run through such a contraption. She yells at him and asks why something like this would ever be on a ship. I feel the same way. It needs to have a purpose. This is how I felt during the Bespin level in JO. The player has to mind trick the Ugnaught, and then run THROUGH an incinerator. That's nice an all, but couldn't Kyle just use a turbolift like Luke Skywalker did in ESB?


I'm not against such things from happening, but there needs to be a reason for being in such danger. In AOTC it makes sense for Anakin and Padme to have to run through the droid factory. That's the sort of thing I'm looking to do.


It could just be something simple as "oh crap the blast door's locked." Even with a lightsaber, it takes time to cut through a blast door (like Qui Gon Jinn in TPM.) I might make the mechanics of the engineering section different too. We'll see.


I am VERY pleased with the cargo hold/docking bay section of the level. I am going to make it identical in content with better textures and detail.


As for the combat droids in the level....I hate them. Well at least I hate the ones that the original SOTE crew made. I am instead making combat astromechs. Rather than being armed with arc welders, fire extinguishers, circular saws, retractable arms, scanners, and holoprojecters like R2-D2, they will be armed with blasters. In SOTE, certain droids can fly, so some will have the hover rockets that R2-D2 has in AOTC.


4. THE SEWERS It all sounds good to me. I like the idea of having low lighting. I think I will have the player us the light and/or light amplification goggles.

I will soon have screenshots of the dianogas and large dianoga. Man that thing is creepy.


One thing to note. In the original SOTE game Dash never swam under water. His jetpack instantly came on, and he used it for maneuvering. I think that's kind of lame. I am going to have the usual swimming. If the player wants to use jetpack, they may, but it won't be automatic.



I would like to add a point about Xizor's palace. It needs to look alien. I recently played that level again, and I think the original creators did a good job at it. I am going to be working on some illustration of what I think Faleen artwork and design should look like.


Looks like I need to edit the level notes further.

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Sounds like i need to consult the comics for a few ideas on Xizor's palace. I never gave that one much thought, as it was not on my favorite levels list. BTW...any ideas where i can get a hands on Radiant tutor in Arnold, MD?...


As for SWBF...sorry, I was playing on a PS2...I need a new card to play Battlefront...only 32 megs but it was state of the art 3 yrs ago!!

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I have created a Frankenstein's monster here. My 8 year old son gave me a few suggestions I thought were just too good to let go unsuggested.


1 HOTH...The wampas need to have claws on every finger...according to him (a HUGE SOTE fan), the wampas in the game only have 1 large claw. I have not played the level over again to verify this, so it could be a moot point.


2 TATTOINE...Mos Eisley needs to be crowded...lots of civilians and Imperial Stormtroopers.(you already suggested most of this, but this is the second exact suggestion, and from a kid no less)..the Stormtroopers need to take pot-shots at both Dash and the Swoop Gang members for speeding.."HEY!! SLOW IT DOWN!!" The swoops should have front mounted cannons so you can shoot as well as wreck Swoop Gangbangers. The Sarlaac pit monsters need to look like the Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors (ROTJ SE). Add a Jawa sandcrawler or two in the scenery of Beggar's Canyon...maybe even Jabba's Palace.


3 WEAPONS...In the original game, all you do is change magazines for different types of weaponry and keep the existing pistol. Each new type of weaponry needs a new pistol, not just a mag change.


Not bad for an 8-year old kid eh? I'm damn proud of my boy!!

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Yeah the wampas from SOTE are pretty crappy. I am going to use the wampas that just come with JA, with a little AI manipulation. I want the wampas to behave like in ESB where they grab you and attempt to carry you off to their cave for dinner.


I'm not sure if I want swoop cannons for the chase. I kind of like the race and ram method that the original game has. Otherwise it will be too easy since the swoop jockeys aren't chasing you, they're after Luke. I will think about it.


Weapons. Oh @#$% yeah. I'm with you totally. I hate how the game uses the same weapon for each type. Not me man. I plan on having different weapons for each type.

The blaster pistol/rifle will be easy.


I'm not sure what I'm going to use for the disrupter. I like the look of the DEMP, so I might use that.


Otherwise I might use the Concussion Rifle


Rocket launcher is self-explanitory


The pulse cannon will just be the repeater



Now the flame thrower. This will be a new weapon. Instead of a rifle that the player holds, it will be wrist mounted, just like Boba Fett's. I want it to be like this:


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I agree with you on the Swoop cannons, but I had to put it out there since he suggested it. I was thinking the ONLY reason for a swoop cannon was maybe if you tripled the number of Swoop Bikers. I love your flamethrower concept but would love to see you incorporate the BOUNTY HUNTER way enemies die from flame attack. SW Bounty Hunter has the flamethrower as one of Jongo's primary weapos and when used the enemies die a horrible flaling, fish out of water death. BTW you forgot to mention the seeker gun.

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Oh....I called it a rocket launcher. You are right, it is called a seeker in SOTE. I'm not sure if I am going to make the first-person perspective when firing rockets. I am sure it's supported, but just considering time constraints and all....

Instead I think I will speed up the targeting time for secondary fire on the rocket launcher. I am also going to use the rocket launcher for the missiles in the space combat. I figure it's o.k. to do that since that's what Lucasarts did in the original game.

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TK42235, you got it. That's IG-88's pulse rifle. I could use such a model, but I want to focus on other things right now (such as somebody's e-web request LOL)


Pal: Custom animation? I have a working flame-thrower already. I can't remember who made it, but they have it as a force power replacing force lightening. I'm going to modify the mod (?!) so that it is a weapon instead. Otherwise it works deliciously.


edit - After hitting submit I think I realized what you are asking. Yes there will be a custom animation for the character. I think it's already in the flamethrower that I have, but yes custom....good custom....my precious custom.

<jedispy pets his ring>

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Originally posted by jedispy

TK42235, you got it. That's IG-88's pulse rifle. I could use such a model, but I want to focus on other things right now (such as somebody's e-web request LOL)


I am having lightninja work on the model but he hasnt started yet:disaprove:D

I have a lot of models I have requested him to do also so it might take a while.

You might want to PM him it might speed him up:D

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OK, here are some more ideas for models and textures. Although I don't yet own the game, SW Battlefront looks like a good source for new models and textures. I took a nice slow look at the Lucasarts web site screenshots section. I Checked the FAQ; it uses a different engine than JO\JA but I guess you could take a screenshot and edit the textures and models you wanted right? Since the game is released it is now public domain for modelling as long as Lucasarts gets the credit. BTW, I am going to start looking hard at Massassi Temple and Admiral's Command Chamber for existing models for use in the mod.

I suggest everyone else intersted in contributing to the mod do the exact same. It will make texturing and modelling a whole lot simpler so the only real hard work will be Mapping, Scripting, and of course, the cinematic cut scenes. Don't delay, sign up today...the Rebellion needs YOU!!

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I have been busy collecting all kinds of sound effects from whistling winds for HOTH, GALL, and Tatooine, running water for the sewers, and at least 20 different explosions and thuderclaps, as I think we have all heard and are all too familiar with Lucasarts explosions, it may be nice to hear some new stuff. I think the 16" gun from the USS Missouri (The Big Mo') will be a nice addition as a major explosion. I also have a few different gunfight/firefight files which may provide a base or added effect for a background noise in the ice caves. I am also tinkering with glass breaking, electrical short circuits etc, clicks, beeps, whistles and CHEWBACCA bits. Just waiting on a new Mic and I will start recording dialogue...everything form cutscenes to in-game chatter. I'll see if I can get the wife to do Guri or Leia. BTW does Guri have the "bumbling Barbie bimbo" (Reese Witherspoon) voice or a semi-bass like Leia? I will also be completely open to suggestions for new/original ideas as well.

PM me or e-mail me mikegunther1969@aol.com


alternate forum look under Jedi Academy, then SOTE MOD

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Happy Halloween everyone.


Guri is going to have a voice like 7 of 9. I want it to be a deep alto voice. I have a few sound files that I've extracted from ST Voyager: Elite Force that I will post when I have some more free time later today.

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Allright, the wife is definately out of consideration. She is the aforementioned "Barbie bimbo" voice....typical ditzy blonde. As far as the Seven of Nine thing goes, maybe I will stalk Geri Ryan until I get her to marry me.....uh.....I mean record for me.....uh I mean not press charges.......all of the above!!!! (5 minutes later)..Anyhoo, I think my little sister may be more suited to the task as long as she doesn't get a case of stage fright on me.

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Guri's voice:

Let me try my wife. She's got a pretty mean sounding voice (when she's ticked off) so who knows right? LOL


Here are the 7of9 soundbits that I want to base Guri's voice off of. (Note that the voice is not that of Jeri Ryan, but of the actress who portrays 7of9 in ST:Elite Force)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


I would like to use the following sounds for weapons in the mod:

(sounds taken from original SOTE game)

Outrider/Falcon Gun Turrets

Proton Torpedo

Target Locked on

TIE Fighter cannon



As for lightsabers, we're going to need to sample them from the movies. Luke's lightsaber ignition sounds completely different from normal lightsabers. It's more of a crack-whistle sound. I will try to use my sound card to capture the sound. Vader's is a little different too. I'm not going to throw a huge fit over such a minor detail, but if we can do it, then why not?


Leebo's voice is pretty much done. I have the mp3 files from the original game, so it should be easy enough to use them. There are only a few lines that are missing, and I will see if I can grab those from the cinematic scenes.


Vehicle sounds:

(again, taken from SOTE game)



TIE Fighter fly by


Other than that I just have the dianoga sound clip, but I want to see the DFMod's Dianoga first. (I'm still playing the demo)

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Well I checked out DFMOD demo (nicely made BTW). I'm not crazy about their dianoga though. Don't get me wrong. It's fine and all for their mod since that is how it is in the original Dark Forces game. However for this mod, I'm really going to need a totally different dianoga.

I see that they used the exact same sounds that I have. I think Lucasarts recycled the dianoga sounds and used them in MOTS and SOTE. I've noticed that they recycled other things as well.


Of course we all know the music is always the same old John Williams music. (I have the benefit of using totally different music from the SOTE soundtrack by Joel McNeely).


They also reused the dianoga and docking bay models from MOTS for SOTE.

dianoga_mots 01.jpg

dianoga_sote 01.jpg

(The one on top is from MOTS, the one on the bottom is from SOTE).




(The one on top is from MOTS, the one on the bottom is from SOTE).



So I am now adding the dianoga to my list of models that need to be made.


Still looking for character/creature modelers too.

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I dunno why my emails are bouncing back, must be a glitch w/ aol.

Don't worry about the Lando voice, his will be easy to do. I have been sidelined for a while due to an emergency appendectomy on wednesday 11/3 so I have been laying in bed a lot and enjoying being king of percocetland for the last few days. The good news is once I get over the pain, I will have off some time to record away uninterrupted. Man it is hard to type all doped up on this stuff, so I will go now.







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Message received.


Been busy lately. I'm working on the Guri skin. It's coming along......sort of.


I've also been working on her .npc file. When she's done, you guys will have to try taking her on one on one. She's FAST!! I'm giving her force jump ability. I figure a HRD with super human strength oughta be able to jump high.


I am currently testing her against powerful enemies. Luke_sote is able to kill Desann, Tavion with scepter, and Tavion with Sith Sword. I am testing to see how Guri fares against such foes.


Like I said, I'm still trying to get the skin right. It's close, but not perfect.

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Man oh man, what a difference 2 days make. I was able to go outside for the first time since Wednesday and man has it gotten frikkin' cold all of a sudden!! I am now done with the painkillers too...two days off and counting, not even any tylenol. I hate feeling extremely loopy, unless it it Ice Beer induced, which I have somewhat direct control over the frequency and intensity of the doseage, otherwise forget it. I actually took my boy to the park and shot a little(very) hoops with him today to get him warmed up for the upcoming Pee-wee league basketball season. He looks great!!; leaps and bounds above last year, so my hopes for him are as high as was on the percocet last weekend.


Now, to mod business....after a few lengthy conversations with Ben Blystone (Benevolence) of the DF team, I am going shopping for the microphone this week. I used to have the exact same one I need about (Number deleted to hide age) ago but I sold it with all of my other musical equipment after losing the top 1/4" of my left ring finger in a construction accident, and was no longer able to play due to the extreme sensitivity of the finger tip ...BASS Guitar for those interested. It is the tried and true SHURE SM58, a fantastic piece of equipment, and only costs in the $99-$109 range. I paid $150-200 a piece xx years ago for the same thing. (Ahh yes it sux getting old)


Bottom line......I have the stitches out, I can walk up and down the steps with little to no pain,(computer in the basement with no bathroom, you do the math), so I officially declare myself back in business.


C-ya in about 3 days,

Mike:laughing: :D:laughing::guiness:

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I hope things get better real soon for you.


As for me, I'm still working on the Guri model. This one is more than just a skin. It is a totally unique npc altogether. I am trying to find the code that allows kyle_boss.npc to grapple the player. I am coming close to finding it. Once I figure that out, then she will be ready. I am getting a little bit of help from Zappa_0 on finishing the skin part. The first beta version of guri is available here

The Guri skin is based on this image from Decipher Inc:




For the most part, I'm REALLY close to getting it right. Just not close enough.

Feel free to download the beta Guri and test it out. There are a ton of bugs in it though, so don't get your hopes up.


In single player, do the following:

Type helpusobi 1

Hit Enter

Type npc spawn guri

Just a warning, she is fast and hard to kill. May the force be with you....or have mercy on your soul.

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Went to the mall today to do a little Xmas shopping, and low & behold, a really nice fella' at the local RadShak hooked me up with a new mickeyfone and all the goodies to plug it in to the 'pooter.


I also downloaded a couple of programs for voice editing, and man, does this thing now sound killer!!! There is no static, no hiss, just the right amount of echo...the ol' dungeon makes a really decent studio as luck would have it. I was to the point where I was ready to barter time sweeping the floors for some studio time at my former bandmate's recording studio, but now, I am going to get some real clean voiceovers done HERE. All I really need to do now is burn a copy of the notes (on the printer), and figure out the correct speaking distance from the mic. (we dont want splatter or popping p's)


I feel like a new kid @XMAS!!! SPY, I promise to send you some files next week...LORD wiliin' and the river don't rise. I'll do Lando first so you can see that a tragically white guy like me, can indeed pull off Billy Dee Williams.

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