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Shadows of the Empire Mod for JA (aka "Want List")


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Heck those arent even the right rebel troopers

Heh. Well I believe my words were "this is more what I'm looking for."


Besides, I may want to use these models. They are rebel troopers, and they will be on Hoth. There won't be rebel troopers anywhere else in the SOTE mod. I suppose for the purposes of the game we can call them "Echo Base Troopers." Same thing really though.


My point originally is that the Rebel Troopers are NOT going to be:


Image taken from http://www.decipher.com/starwars/cardlists/premiere/light/images


So back to topic:

*I am awaiting more lines from our vocal artists (like the flashy title?)

*I am waiting for my own voice to get over this @#$% cold. Right now I sound like Darth Vader, breathing included! I am planning on trying the Luke Skywalker voice, but that ain't gonna happen till I get better. I also wanted to try Admiral Piett (who has a brief appearance in the end). I may do other random voices, but I will leave the hardcore voices (Dash Rendar, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Emperor P, etc...) to the guys on the team who have way cool voices.


We are still looking for female voices for:

Leia Organa




Mara Jade - Even though she isn't in SOTE at all, she will make 2 brief appearances in the mod.



*Also, we need mappers. We need mappers deperately!! This mod has lots of great potential, and we've already invested much time and talent. However, let's face it. We can handle crappy models, we can handle poor storyline, lame music, and sucky voices. However without maps for which to play all the above on, this mod is nothing. If experienced mappers are interested in joining up, feel free to contact me via E-mail or Private Message


I'm Jedispy and I approve this message.

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posted by minilogoguy18

as much as i would like to see the executor in a level where you can fly all around it and gaze in awe, radiant cant make a level big enough to hold it

I am aware that the virtual world can't be big enough to contain a 12 km+ ship. I think the format of this level is going to be quite different than in the original game. In the original game, you only go up against an ISD. However in the comics and book, it is Executor that destroys the skyhook. I really feel the need to stay true to the storyline. Therefore I am toying with a few ideas. The one I am most interested in is scaling down the models. Rather than having the standard size models be size X, they can instead be size X/3. This means that the outrider would be 1/3 it's original size. It would require an adjustment to the camera positioning, but if everything is smaller, then it could conceivably be done. Of course, this sounds great and all on paper. Like I said it is merely one idea.


Another is to have it appear as though executor is there, and not permit the player to actually fly around it. I'm not as concerned about that as I am with making the skyhook look believable, as well as the scripting for the TIE Fighters and Xizor's Fighters. Executor is a distant concern compared to these.


Needless to say there is a lot to consider in this mod.


Thanks for the input.

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but it will still be too big cause the ISD in the destroyer seige took up alot of room and the executor is over eleven times longer but scaling down the models wouldnt be hard just use .ini files like in force mod III and make everything alot smaller so you can have more room to dogfight and i slapped the falcons textures on the outrider it looks okay but it still needs its own textures

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if you mean darthzappa's map i have it and it isnt to scale the trench that they ran down in the movie wasnt even a big one and the main trench or the equator was big enough for a star destryer to fit into unless by the fat chance there is another death star map i dont know about and i never said anything about anything not runnin good i meant my outrider it actally looks decent with the falcons skins on it

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Attack on Death Star map? I have not seen it. Do you have a URL?


The Star Destroyer seige level is pretty much the type of gameplay that I'm looking for in the space battles of SOTE.


I have 5 levels planned in which space flight is used.


In the escape from Hoth level the player will have control of the gun turrets and missile control rather than flight control.

Further notes are on my website


On Redezvous Point Encounter, the player controls an X-wing, and has full flight control.

Further notes are on my website


The Bounty Pursuit level is a little different. Rather than fighting a legion of enemy fighters, the player has to dogfight one-on-one with IG-88.

Further notes are on my website


The Imperial Freighter Suprosa level is similar to the Rendezvous Point Encounter level, but with a bigger enemy ship, and harder objectives.

Further notes are on my website


On the Escape from Coruscant level, the player will start out by controlling just the Outrider guns while Leebo pilots. Then when you get close enough to the skyhook, the player take control of the ship. I'm not going to have it where you fly in and take out the generator like in the original game. Something about that bugs me. I would rather see that done in a ROTJ mod (hint hint) where you blow up the Death Star II.

Further notes are on my website

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Originally posted by minilogoguy18

if you mean darthzappa's map i have it and it isnt to scale the trench that they ran down in the movie wasnt even a big one and the main trench or the equator was big enough for a star destryer to fit into unless by the fat chance there is another death star map i dont know about and i never said anything about anything not runnin good i meant my outrider it actally looks decent with the falcons skins on it


Well, the map never intended to recreate the equator's trench on the death star. But I think the map demenstrates that we can get the scale to look close enough.


And if worst comes to worst, you could just have the Executor battle take place in the background of the map.

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i'm making a new dash rendar model including jetpack and his original blaster, too. one thing though: it was/is designed to be used in a newer game engine, so it might have a bit too much polys.


nothing against kman: the skin rocks as usual (tough he's weeee bit to old imo), it's sniperwolf's model that bugs me... the shoulder pads are to small and the hair to short.


here's a reskin of the old model's head, i made for myself, which looks more like i imagined dash too me, at least:



well, the ears are to small and the uvs don't fit together all that well on the second pci, but it wasn't made for public anyways ;)


your concept, besides, looks fairly interesting, i only hope you can do all the stuff you posted on that website of yours.



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not to be offensive but you'd have to build a dash model from scratch if you wanted it to look EXACTLY like him. a reskin wouldnt work mainly because there isnt a char in JA that resembles dash in ANY way even if you painted an entirely new face for him. i wanna try because almighty_gir is teaching me how to model human characters which i think are hard. but i defenitely wanna try after that i prob wont wanna make any more SW chars cause ive been wanting to make stuff like MK chars and FF chars.

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That said, the skin looks VERY good.


Raitenks, I was planning on using sniper wolf's model. I don't know if it will work with his model or not. If you can get me a working model for this skin, then I might use it.


As for other SW models, we're pretty much right were we need to be. There are still a few models we're waiting on. One model I'm really jones-in for is Xizor's troopers. I've tried a few different things, but they aren't really working the way I would like. Firstly I tried making a red skin for the clone troopers. It didn't turn out as I had hoped. I then tried a modification of the red swamp trooper skin....it got ugly. We're talking as ugly as a PT Cruiser. Yeah....THAT bad!!


So anyway, long story short, I need Xizor's troopers. I will post a screenshot of what one looks like (from the original game) later today. I'm at work now, so it's a no go.

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err.... actually, this is the sniper wolf model, with reskinned head and face. that's all, the rest of the textures are kman's. i just did that for myself as kman doesn't permit anyone to use parts of his skins (which i do not do either). and it would suck to release a reskin with just the head skinned and the rest ripped-off.


Originally posted by minilogoguy18

not to be offensive but you'd have to build a dash model from scratch if you wanted it to look EXACTLY like him. a reskin wouldnt work mainly because there isnt a char in JA that resembles dash in ANY way even if you painted an entirely new face for him. i wanna try because almighty_gir is teaching me how to model human characters which i think are hard. but i defenitely wanna try after that i prob wont wanna make any more SW chars cause ive been wanting to make stuff like MK chars and FF chars.


"i'm making a new dash rendar model including jetpack and his original blaster, too. one thing though: it was/is designed to be used in a newer game engine, so it might have a bit too much polys."


--> ppl with the ability or the will to read through EVERYTHING i post are clearly advantaged here ;) of course, i mine, too, does not look JUST like him, but it looks more like him than kman's imo.



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Ah yes..I see. I misinterpreted the following statement:

it's sniperwolf's model that bugs me... the shoulder pads are to small and the hair to short.

Thanks for the clarification. I would be happy to check out the skin if you post it online for me. Incidently, I can't remember, but do you know if the model is enabled for facial animations? That's going to be hugely important in doing this mod.


Your jetpack sounds cool. If I could use it, it would be helpful considering it will play a big part in this mod. I am planning on three key levels where the jetpack is needed. Naturally the first two are from the original SOTE game. The third is for a level I added where you (Dash Rendar) and Lando go to Kothlis to free Luke.


Is it possible to get a lower poly-count Rendar Jetpack from you? Otherwise I was planning on just doing a really lame reskin of the mandalorian jetpack. Think of it this way, you would get your name recognition, and you would be contributing to the betterment of the JA community as a whole. And if you don't buy that load of nonsense, I would be eternally grateful (even if I probably could not return the favor ever).


So wadda-ya say?!



In other news, my classes all pretty much end today. That means starting next week I will fire up the old SOTEMOD machine full bore! I plan on going in full throttle! That outta keep those Imperial fighters off our tail!

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Anyone have anything for the Faleen Prince yet? I am very interested to see how close the finished product will be to the cover of the novel here Whoever does it needs to make sure he is a very muscular fellow as described in the book...not some skinny pencil necked geek (Classy Freddie Blassie nod) like say...oh our good friend Skywalker.


Yes, I know the new signature is long.....but I needed a change and it will soon be replaced with something shorter. I promise.

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Firstly, Xizor's Trooper model from SOTE game: (edited on 12/11/2004)



Kman was working on something for Prince Xizor. However I believe hey may have fallen into Shadow. Last I saw him, a big balrog was chasing him. (i.e. He's missing in action until after the Christmas holidays).


Ambiguous movie allusions aside, I'm thinking a totally new model needs to be created for Xizor. He's a species that is totally new to Star Wars (well...was new in 1996) so using current models might not be the best way to go.


I've gotten more responses from people wanting to join the team. I will be getting in contact with each of you soon. Thanks for your input.

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When I posted that, I mean to say it was Xizor's Trooper model, not Xizor's model. A 3d rendered version of Xizor does appear in the PC version of SOTE, but it's not very good.


Reskinning the scout trooper....not a bad idea. I tried reskinning the clonetrooper, and for the most part it worked. However it looks cheap. I would like to keep the cheapness to a minimum in this mod.


I think I am from here on out going to give this character a better name. Rather than the cheap sounding "Xizor Trooper" he will now be Black Sun Trooper. I LIKE it!!!!


If you can get me a good Black Sun Trooper skin, then you're on the team. So far this is what I have for the bstrooper:


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Left: Original BS Trooper. Right: *<JO>*Exlan,PL's BS Trooper.


Hmm....not bad...not bad. If I may provide constructive criticism: Watch out! Here it comes!!

*Looks very good. Perfect shade of crimson/red.

*Be mindful of key features such as the face mask. The scout troopers have a black mouthpiece, whereas BS troopers do not. It's red all the way. Of course I'm that picky (I know mikegunther1969 is laughing right now). Could you perhaps make it a slitted screen? Use your judgement.

*Be mindful of the red armor on the arms, legs, and hands.

*It looks like the BSTroopers have a white/light grey torso and belt accessories.


Otherwise, this skin looks great. It's FAR BETTER than my concepts. I like your work. Maybe you can fix my luke_sote skin and

Guri skin

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Continuing this skinning conversation via PM.


MikeGunther1969 and I have been promoting this mod rather extensively via this forum, and others. I just recently posted a recruitment thread on Force-Temple.com.


We're getting some good responses now from mappers, modellers and skinners. I'm beginning to feel the excitement! As soon as we can get some levels done, then I can see a demo soon to follow.


I will keep you, the community, posted on the latest developments.

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Originally posted by *<JO>*Exlan,PL

hmmm I can tinker around with the aurra sing model if you want?



Damn Good idea!!!...I never gave that a thought in a million years. What do you think Jedispy?

You do realize of course that the boobies have to go bye-bye!!

:D :D :D

Great concept...less chest, more muscle, green skin...I like it!!:laughing::smoke2::drink1:

As far as the BS Trooper goes.....2 words came to mind....

....HOLY SCHNIKES!!...That looks really good.....(yes Jedispy I am lauging at the critical statement), but man that looks really friggin' good. I am in agreement about the tweaks with the mouthpiece, but I think that model says Xizor/Black Sun Trooper all the way!!

Sorry about all the Smilies, but the beer is doing wonders for my humorous/creative side tonight!!!

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