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First and/or Third Person Switch Option


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Hi all,


The subject almost says it all;


Is it possible in Jedi Academy (both Single Player and Multi Player) to switch between 1st person and 3rd person (as in Jedi Knight II)?


In Jedi Knight II it is possible with all weapons with the exception of (only in MP) the Lightsaber.


How does it work in Jedi Academy?



:ewok: bye!

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Your best bet it so to use the OJP (Open Jedi Project) Basic mod. This will give you a nice first person saber option in MP.


As for SP, sorry, doesn't really work so well, though you can mess around with console commands and get a close approximation, though still not as nice as JK2's.

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Thank you, everybody, for your replies!


I needed to know this before I was going to buy the game...


I really liked the 1st person perspective in JK2. Actually, for fighting I used 3rd a lot, but it was very nice to walk around and investigate the game in 1st person with no weapons in view.


I guess that'll be different in JA - you'll always have some sort of weapon in your view when exploring in SP...:(

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Originally posted by Nemios

Yes, use OJP Base for Multiplayer.


Then you can use my own MOD for Singleplayer. You can use them together with no harm. Be sure to read the readme.


You can find my MOD linked in my sign. :)



Sorry, I forgot all about your mod! Good call. Although it still has that Force Speed glitch, wonder if that will ever be fixable with the SP SDK?

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