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I have been making a pack of skins and models for JK3 for the past few months. Several of the models are popular ones from JO. I have converted them in every aspect accept the saber glitch. I have no idea how to do it! Its been driving me crazy! I cant get it off of my mind, because I've asked and gotten answers, but none of them made any sence to me! AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! CAN ANYONE HELP ME!

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Because of all the re-skins of them/uses in JA of them. Like the Exar Kun model I'm going to convert, there have been a bunch of re-skins of him, and the Darth Maul model, thats been used in JA a few times for mods and such. The point is I need to figure this out soon. Thanks for asking though:p

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