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What'll you do first?


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While installing the game (PC rulz), I'll slowly absorb the manual.


Each time I get a new game, I spend some time in the menu. I'll probably check all the options and make sure the configuration is what fits me the best.


Then I'll check in detail each game mode and the 4 sides.


When I'm done, I'll probably try one of those "fast game" (or whatever the name is), because I've never played Battlefield 1942 or CS.


After that, it's conquer the galaxy, and MP with friends before jumping in online gaming.


It might look slow, but I like to take my time :)

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Hmm though question since I can't start a nuclear winter(sob) but any how I gotta agree I want to hunt the nuetral life forms on every planet then do it again!(but with an AT-AT!)then use every other vehical I can possibly use on any remaining life froms I see till my heart content which I'll never stop because I'm too much liking to blow people up!:sbdance :sbdance :sbdance

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