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Inserting Static Placeables


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Is there any way to place a new static placeable into a custom module. I have followed Doom Dealers tutorial and modified the .git file, but my placeable does not show up in game. Even if I change the X, Y, Z coordinates of an existing placeable it does not show up in the game. Any help would be appreciated.

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Stormtrooper789: as my post mentions, this is normally due to the fact the the Field ID is wrong. When you use the copy/paste function with Bioware's editor, this information is lost but not with the NWNeditor (btw, Beancounter, you will find a link to this editor in the Guide for the Newbie)

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Thanks guys for the help. I have managed to get it working. :)

It is pretty impressive that this group has figured all of this out dispite Bioware's lack of help.


Last question, what is the camera list used for. I believe it is used for cutscenes to give different perspectives. Is that correct?

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