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College Majors. Need help.

Reborn Outcast

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Well, I'm a junior in highschool this year which means that my life as a free, bird chasing kid is over, and colleges are actually starting to care about my grades. I'm not totally sure what I want to major in for college, but I know that I want to do something with space, either NASA or some other organization.


Now, for those of you who know anything of what I'm talking about, what is the sort of major that I should be thinking about going for if I want to do that type of thing? I would really like to be an astronaut, but if I can't do that, then just something where I can see the stars, or work on technology. I know that's a really broad spectrum of things I could major in, but I just need some ideas so I know what to tell my counselor when the time comes.


And if anyone has some websites that would kinda help in "finding" a major suited for what I want to do, it would be great.


And I hope all of you kinda got what I'm trying to ask for, cause I confused even myself.

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Seriously, Reborn, go speak to a careers counsellor, dont ask a pack of net freaks for advice.....most of them are still in high school themselves. Those who are in college are straight out weirdos, like ET *points at ETs binary watch* and those of us who are graduates, or hold post graduate quals. are biased and corrupted in some way that wont be helpful to you :p



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