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How to get the most out of each civ

Admiral Vostok

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Originally posted by FroZticles

I know a Jedi can beat a BH 1v1. You only plant 3-5 in your army of mechs,troops whatever and watch the robes hit the floor if you even get to t4 with that Jedi strategy that is.

That's assuming that (1) the Masters are not supported by their own army and (2) the Masters are running right at you army instead of infiltrating as the should be. Neither of these will happen with any decent player.


Originally posted by DK_Viceroy

Looks like i'll have to start and bother buidling a sith temple just for Purge

I think this is a point that warrants more discussion: the difference between having purge and not having purge. Indeed, I think one of the strengths of the Confederacy is the fact they can get Purge, as it can be invaluable when facing Jedi-strong civs, especially with some of the powerful units the Confederacy has. Also, the fact the Naboo can't get Purge is certainly one of their weaknesses.
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That also raises another point when you convert do you rteain the upgrades unique or generic or do you loose them or do you retain them and your own are added also.


Especially since if you loose all upgrades completly that may not be much of a problem but if it's otherwise and combines other things that that means that it can make a tech player very dangerous if he has many unique techs and likes jedi.


either way i'm going to have to build a sith temple and research purge. Jedi do make a good strike force but if used correctly they can be used as an army since it's easy to mass assault mechs later on in games and i think a jedi costs the same as one so it's always up to debate, If i ever use Sith Knights i'd use them as Mech attackers amongst other things just need to get them within minimum range and they can do a number of course the same is True of my fearsome beasts so I may decide to deploy those more often since i've only used em once in hard and desperate times, that ice lake map and they served me well since if my attack had failed nitro could have gone on the offensive and wiped me out and that match would have ended far differently.


Maybe we should have a discussion thread discussing what units and buidlings are useful and which are useless we could combine that with techs and bonuses.

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Originally posted by DK_Viceroy

That also raises another point when you convert do you rteain the upgrades unique or generic or do you loose them or do you retain them and your own are added also.

This is something I'm not sure about either. Most of the time the converted unit retains the upgrades they had before they were turned, and I don't think your upgrades are added to them. For example, Often I've turned other Jedi Masters, but they won't be Republic Masters so they don't have Sight Beyond Sight, and they still don't even after I've turned them (as Republic). However I do seem to remember a game long ago where I converted a Geonosian Warrior and he became shielded because I had shields for my Aircraft... but I could be mistaken.
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Gameplay > Realism is an interesting mantra for someone who is so keen on me shoving the Geonosians into the Separatists in my design.


If it was created in the NJO books I don't see how you could justify it's use for civs that existed during the Clone Wars and Civil War.


It is an interesting idea but would change the flavour of the civ way too much so they wouldn't resemble either the movies or the EU.

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Including stuff from NJO would be a bad idea. Most people don't read such crappy novels (ok, my opinion anyway), and want to have a game based on the SW universe showed in the movies. And like Vostok said, there's no reason whatsoever to include stuff that didn't exist during the time period of the game.


For most people, gameplay does > realism, but if we're too far from what it's supposed to be, then it's no fun. It's a SW that we all want.

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Exactly someone else has put it in words end of Argument,Geonosians in the design, In EVERYBODY'S design the public want it do it NOW. No more Lollygagging Argument Closed Geonosians In.


I'm Not Budging Whatsoever from that position so all attempts to change that will be as effective as trying to kill Jabba The Hutt With A Rubber Chicken. You Should all remeber how stubbron I am and i'm even more so now than before Try what you like give me the A-Z of reasons if you like None of them are valid useful or even have a Point My Mind is made up and the Public want Geonosians In with the Seperatists.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

And where did you get this stat? How do you know the public wants the Geonosians in?


Oh by the way, the public is not you alone.


...and nice display of maturity.


The "public" here is like... 5 people?


So we could actually say that 20% of the public wants the Geo in :)

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