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Model request


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Heya all. Everywhere you look, it's all sith and evil and darth maul and darth vader...or for light side....luke......luke....or...maybe in some rare cases.....luke.




I'm requesting a different type of model.




Personally, I am one, even in real life, that stands for what's right, honor, respect, loyalty, and caring. I also have a strong stance in what I believe and will support it. I am strong, I am a servant, and a leader.




I'm hoping I could get a model together that would attempt to represent how I feel inside...and this is the closest I can come up with.




I'm looking for a good "light side" type intimidating model.



I'd love to have a model like this....minus the glowing wings, of coarse. Just not practical. A light side, angelic...if you will, armored figure.




I'd love to have a model like this







If you are unable to do this...I do have another model of someone that looks "dark" wearing armor. I'd like to get it re-skinned to make it "light-side" looking, and to replace the model's head with one of a hooded figure like the pictures above.




Is anyone able to help me?




AIM- RpTheHotrod


MSN- dangearn22 then @ hotmail.com


Yahoo Msger- rpthehotrod




Thanks :)

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tFighterPilot, your PM box is full (probably your "Sent" messages), so I'm posting this warning here instead:


I was browsing the Editing forum and noticed that you had some unkind things to say toward a moderator in this thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=134561


I realize I'm not the moderator for this forum, but as each forum has the same rules and because we each act as eyes and ears for each other, I'm giving you warning by PM that harassment of moderators can have the consequence of being banned.

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