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How can I edit portraits.2da ? + conflicts


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To add new selectable PCs, look at this thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=126215

You find more links in T7's sticky: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=124284


For the little picture of your party members that appears on the screen, look at step 6 in my "how to recruit a npc in less than 10 steps" tutorial, it's all in there:


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Do you mean my warping armband or Andargor's Holowan cloakworks??? (I am a little confused since this thread is about portraits...not sure what armband you are talking about)


For the warping armband:

1. Select and equip (same thing for Andargors armband but different name): http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Darth333/armequip1.jpg


2. Activate by clicking on the icon: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Darth333/armequip2.jpg


3. Select your destination: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Darth333/armequip3.jpg


For Andargor's Holowan cloakworks armband, check the readme: you have to open the cheat console and type the cheat code for the item you want (including Revan's disguise)

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huh? What armband exactly are you talking about? Holowan cloakworks or the warping armband??? ( please, give the name of the mod) - I am confused since this thread is about portraits.2da...and the fact that I gave you the link to both armbands a few days ago in this thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=126215


Verify if you extracted all the files.

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If you added the plug-in after your other mods it more than likely overrided them with out even letting you know. I would suggest, if you use the plug-in, install it first then the rest of the mods you want and then you can tell which ones conflict and you can use a GFF editor to edit the apperance line of any items ".uti" file, you will have to do this with items like RedHawk's white revan robes and Jackels Mando armors. Then you will have to use kotor tool to edit 2da files,you should do this part first so you will know what to change items apperance to.

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Originally posted by Nodakrattler

If you added the plug-in after your other mods it more than likely overrided them with out even letting you know. I would suggest, if you use the plug-in, install it first then the rest of the mods you want and then you can tell which ones conflict and you can use a GFF editor to edit the apperance line of any items ".uti" file, you will have to do this with items like RedHawk's white revan robes and Jackels Mando armors. Then you will have to use kotor tool to edit 2da files,you should do this part first so you will know what to change items apperance to.

True but with new force powers, you cannot simply edit spells.2da since there is a reference to the line in the script :(

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Originally posted by Darth333

True but with new force powers, you cannot simply edit spells.2da since there is a reference to the line in the script :(


I didn't realize that, but then again I just replace that file with the one from your all in one force powers mod. I did this because when I opened them up I didn't see any real difference other then adding the new powers, which are really great.

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