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I think alot of people from what I am hearing were wanting to see the Naboo Starfighter and some of the other starfighters from the films like Tie Interceptor, Tie Advanced, A-wing, B-wing, Imperial Lamdba Class Shuttle, Slave I, Geonosian Solar Sail (Count Dooku's ship), and the Millenium Falcon. Just like alot of people were wanting some other organization's troopers like Imperial Navy Trooper and Imperial Officers. I know I was one of those. Plus I wanted Courscant, Dagobah, and Alderran included in the game.

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joesdomain, not everything can be in the game, not all of the original classes can be in the game either due to balance issues.


Look at the bright side, the Imperial Officer was removed for a good reason that helped the gameplay. I don't like it when people say something should've been in the game when they have never played it.


But I do agree they could use a couple new maps and vehicles, but thats what patches are for.


If they released everything at once the community would shrink due to nothing more to look forward to besides whats already there.


When you spread everything out, the community stays and even grows larger.


I would like to see a Mon Calamari map for both eras.

For the Prequel era you could have an underwater battle with vehicles like you see in the Clonewars Cartoon. And even those neat Scuba troopers :D


For the classic era you could have a more of an above water battle, in some of those boat vehicles from the EU.


Smell the EU, joesdomain. Its the stench of extremely fun possibilities!


Surely you can't reject everything thats EU since you want a battle on Alderaan and Dagobah..

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It would indeed be foolhardy to think that support won't come from the devs after release. This title promises to be one of the biggest of the year in terms of multiplayer and star wars combined. That means more people from battlefield 1942/vietnam will be playing this as well as many star wars fans. I think it's safe to say this will be a bigger seller than battlefield vietnam. Now knowing this, i think pandemic will start work on things that need to be fixed such as further balance issues, maybe a patch. EA has been pretty good to it's community releasing additional maps to those who play battlefield. I expect pandemic will release some new maps as there are some big EU battles that take place in these time periods. Also for those who play PC, be on the lookout for a HUGE mod community. Yep, things are really looking positive for this game. This is probably the biggest star wars title yet with multiplayer fans and star wars fans alike. no doubt, this is a big time mainstream star wars title and will most likely outsell any other star wars game to date.

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They have plenty of eu for the eu like Darkktrooper and the stupid trade federation starship. I remember seeing a screenshot of it on a gaming website. Can't remember the name of it. Don't forget the rebel tanks they can use in the game! That is EU. Imperial Officer should of never been taken out in the first place. They were central part of the battle of endor with the stormtroopers, scout troopers, speeder bikes and at-st walkers. Can't forget the Imperial Navy Troopers that helped out!

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Originally posted by joesdomain

They have plenty of eu for the eu like Darkktrooper and the stupid trade federation starship. I remember seeing a screenshot of it on a gaming website. Can't remember the name of it. Don't forget the rebel tanks they can use in the game! That is EU. Imperial Officer should of never been taken out in the first place. They were central part of the battle of endor with the stormtroopers, scout troopers, speeder bikes and at-st walkers. Can't forget the Imperial Navy Troopers that helped out!

I'm not sure that the MAF is in. It isn't in the official site.
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