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What is Ragdoll?


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It's a form of physics for a game, like if you shoot someone they would act accordingly, for example you get shot in the shoulder, your shoulder would react by going back and you'd probably fall down. The game would do the same thing in theory. Or if you got kicked in the balls you would definitely fall to your knees. With ragdoll physics the game would do the same thing. The name ragdoll comes from how a ragdoll would react if it were put into certain situations as written above.

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Originally posted by Tyler_Durden

It's a form of physics for a game, like if you shoot someone they would act accordingly, for example you get shot in the shoulder, your shoulder would react by going back and you'd probably fall down. The game would do the same thing in theory. Or if you got kicked in the balls you would definitely fall to your knees. With ragdoll physics the game would do the same thing. The name ragdoll comes from how a ragdoll would react if it were put into certain situations as written above.

Ouch. Pour ragdoll!:eek:

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If i'm not mistaken UT uses the karma physics engine and ragdoll physics was used in JA. Either way its just like Tyler_Durden said its just used to give a somewhat realistic effect to a characters body when something happens to it(i.e. it get hit, blown back from an explosion, slammed against a wall, ect..ect..) I hope they don't use ragdoll physics in Battlefront. The Karma phyiscs are much better.

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Just because an explosion blows you away doesn't mean it's ragdoll physics.


"If i'm not mistaken UT uses the karma physics engine and ragdoll physics was used in JA."


Ragdoll physics isn't an engine. Ragdoll is a type of physics used in certain physics engine. If I'm not mistaken, karma is also just a physics method and not in fact an engine, although an engine may utilize karma physics. And UT DOES use ragdoll physics and JA doesn't use ragdoll physics OR karma.

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Originally posted by Tyler_Durden

I've seen videos of things getting blown up in proximity to your characters so that they actually fly back or forward to reflect the explosion, is that an animation or a physics issue?. I do know that getting killed from a shot is animated.


Yep, everything's animated. (And I must say, they did a damn fine job of it ;))

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Originally posted by WICKET_STBF

PLZ someone respond if there will be ragdoll in this game !!


If you read the thread, you'll find that people are saying that there is NOT ragdoll physics.



InsaneSith- Are you sure? Because I'm pretty darn positive that it doesn't.

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