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Jabba The Hunt

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I think the actual problem is that you get an extreme reaction from both ends. When someone asks a person to stop using slang it often is or atleast sounds condesending or elitist in some way (atleast to the person using the slang). The person using the slang cant understand why the other person is being so uptight and the person not using the slang cant understand the person using the slang. The person using the slang then gets offended and refuses to stop.



Your probably right kinnison its your typical over reaction senario.



edit: on an entirely unrelated note, i've just noticed your subtitle kinnison, my dad keeps going on about reading the lensman books, do you know where you can still buy them from?

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt

edit: on an entirely unrelated note, i've just noticed your subtitle kinnison, my dad keeps going on about reading the lensman books, do you know where you can still buy them from?


(prevents himself from going completely fanboy) I think they recently reprinted the novels. So they should be eaiser to find. Try Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, or VintageLibray.com


But don't miss "New Lensman" by William B Ellern. (which appeared in serial form inside Perry Rohdan 'magazine' and later was made into a novel) this is really hard to find.


Nor the 2nd stage Lensman Trilogy by David A. Kyle : Z-lensman, Dragon Lensman, and Lensman from Rigel.


btw, your Dad is right. You should read them. I was lucky enough to have a Dad that owned them. And i think they were the first novels I ever read. feel free to E-mail me, or PM me if you ahve any more questions

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Originally posted by Ikhnaton

speaking improper english honestly makes a person seem unintelligent. If you're going to use slang, at least make sure you know how to speak properly first.


for example, if you're going to say "I ain't got no...", make sure you know that it is correct to say "I don't have any..." first.



Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with that. If you guys ever heard me speak, you'd hear a thick New York accent. I can't help that, it's what I heard out of my family as a child and I'm stuck with it. But, I was educated on the proper use of the english language as well, and I can use it when I need to.

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Jabba, link didn't work. But The main series written my Smith were (in chronological order):



First Lensman

Galactic Patrol

Grey Lensman

2nd Stage Lensman

Children of the Lens


and even tho it is not really a lensman book, it is in the same universe and time frame. "masters of the vortex"

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You are going to have a Dad who will never say a bad thing about you again if you do that. You have to understand, that these books were first written in the 30s and 40s and often are looked at as the Birth of the Golden Age of science fiction. Technically 'Doc's" 'Skylark's of Space' started it. But Lensman was the first kind to have epic adventures in the deeps of space outside our solar system. Anyone who think he is a Scince Fiction fan HAS to read these books.

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