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What I like most about SWBF


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I spent the better part of the last year and a half playing BF1942 and its expansion packs -- up until now, BF1942 was probably my favorite game of all time. Having played the PS2 demo, I have to say that it takes the BF1942 model and improves it in a number of ways.


The main problem with BF1942 was that aside from the jeeps and tanks, the vehicles were just too difficult for casual players to pick up and play. Aircraft, ships and artillery took a lot of practice and required true skill to master. A lot of people liked this aspect of BF1942, but I hated that I had to spend hours with a couple of friends on Teamspeak just practicing how to target with artillery. Or that I required an expensive flight stick -- my basic logitech stick lacking the necessary features to properly pilot aircraft. The game was never meant to be a hardcore sim -- it was always supposed to have a pick up and play approach. But it was virtually impossible for someone without a flightstick to land an airplane, or successfully survive a dogfight.


What I like about SWBF is that it has the pick up and play feel. There is a depth to mastering the AT-ST's and speederbikes and using them effectively, but you're not hindered by control issues. Anyone can just jump on one and start driving and shooting, but the mastery will come in the more subtle ways the vehicles work -- not in the control scheme.


Another aspect I prefer is the scout class -- sniper rifles in BF1942 were especially difficult to master. Between lag and bullet physics, it took an extraordinary delicate touch to be effective as a sniper. In SW Battlefront, it still takes a little effort to be successful as a sniper, but you're not hampered by all these other factors. You still have to lead your target, but you don't also have to worry about lag and physics in regards to scoring a hit. This is a big plus, and opens up more of the game to average players.


I've played the PS2 demo for hours now with friends -- I can't wait for the final release in two weeks!

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yeah controlling some aircraft is a problem in bfv.

Some reason that because its easier to control a player/vehicle, people are more equal to each other (noobs to others) cause they can just pick up and play, i dont think this is true. Controlling shouldnt be a obstacle itself imho, and i still cant use the mortar effectively. Thats why there arent that many engineers.


though i think that sniping should have a bit of a breathing effect...at least with the bonuses it has

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Youre comparing playing something on PS2 vs the PC. I am an avid BF42 player, since the single player demo. Yeah the mouse stinks for controlling aircraft and thrust, I have a Wingman Attack 2 that does just fine. Ive found the sniper aiming to be right on. In reality if someone is running across you, you dont put them right in your sights and fire, youll miss, instead you fire like right before they reach a certain point. Yeah the artillery is tough to work with. Desert Combat has awesome artillery, the SCUD has devastated the other team a bunch of times.

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Originally posted by Mountainforest

I'm not sure making thinks easier to pick up is a good thing. I think a game should reward the players that are trained in it.


Having a game like this, in regards to diffuculty, is a double edged sword. For the bad part, people who have been playing the game for along time aren't recognized for there sucess. But its good that there won't be people claming how leet they are (people who have joined a clan and climed ranks quickly ie) and throw aside the people who have just joined. I think the latter is more important because I'd rather not have people be put down for something and not have them be put aside. Its going to happen none the less, but the way this game is playing, a noob should have no trouble killing anyone atleast once.

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I just don't buy into the fact that there should be an "elite" in the game with an advantage over less experience players. Real advantage should be from knowing the maps, the character classes, strategy, etc. -- not in whether or not you're better adapted for a challenging control scheme.


Control in a game -- unless you are purposefully picking up a specialized game, such as a realistic flight sim -- should be transparent to the player. Anyone should be able to pick up the controller, mouse/keyboard, or whatever and play the game at a basic level with only a minimum of practice.


Take Crimson Skies for XBOX -- the control scheme is very elegant and accessible to new players, but actually mastering the subtleties of each plane in the game takes practice and skill. It's an easy game for a new player to pick up and score some kills, but to be great at it you have to learn your plane of choice.


Star Wars Battlefront seems very similar to me in that regard. I like that it's easy to learn. I think anyone should be able to control any vehicle or character class on a basic level. I'm not saying it should be so simple that anyone is instantly a master, but simple enough that players can easily play any role in the game they want to without being hindered by challenging control schemes.

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