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Played SW:BF full version :)


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Today (11-9-04) i was going to the little E3 in holland called gameplay aka power unlimited awards 2004, and i was looking and i saw only 1 big tv screen where you could play many diffrent games on dozens of people standing there and looking, but those nerds where just grr, so i just pushed one a side and i took place on the bench, so i asked the guy if i could play battlefront cause you could select 4 type's of games, battlefront, fable, halo2, and fifa2005. so i started battlefront and what i saw was an blue screen in the top standing battlefront, single player multyplayer.. and cant remember the others (sorry) i just whent to play instant action. i wanted to play hoth but i only had a 2/4min. so i just clicked and clicked and i played the map with the scarlac and stuff. i saw tie fighters flying around star destroyers, land scifs. atst'ies very cool, the computer was very easy didnt had much trouble with them.


well dont got much to say anymore but only thing i wanna say is that the game is very very wicked :D :D its so starwars like couldt hear the music cause there where famous dutch singers singing loudly. ohw well game RULED

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