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Does Anyone Know?

El Virus

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Hi, sorry to bother you again, but I just wanted to know if the following are good adventure games, as in my country there are few games who are sold in important stores, but there are places in the centre, where you can get imported games at TWICE their value, so as they're not cheap, I wanted to know WHICH ONE IS THE BEST:


The Last Express


Broken Sword (any of the 2 I know)

Circle Of Blood

Myst (any of them)


PS: I have heard of a game in Gamespot called Starship Titanic, which received good critics, has anybody heard of it.

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Broken Sword 1,2 or 3 is worth every penny. It takes all the best parts of any game you could play an incorporates them into itself. It has just the right balance of humour and wit, the first 2 are in 2d so you may like that style, but the gameplay will take you over, I have had them for years now and I still havent stopped playing them. Really if you can get all three and you like Gf buy them. I own Starship Titanic but its a nice loking game very good and well done, one major fault I found was that you had to type your question yourself so it can be aqward at times, it hard to get into it really I found it a fairly good game but all in all not very thrilling. But like I said get any Bs you will have to get used to click and point for them but they are great after only a short while, I hope this helps some. Feel free to ask any questions about the games.

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Originally posted by El Virus


Tomorrow I'll see if one of them is available.

By the way, what's their theme, what are them about.

PS: Great poems those of yours.


Brokensword 1,2 and 3 always remind me of novels, ending of the world is the main theme in all them, A hero that never really expected to get into this much trouble but who never gives up, one you can see as a real person. Great fun but like it was said before 3 was very easy but still great. Starship Titanic is a hotel in the sky the best way to put it, very relaxed feel to both games, but as they progress the tension can get over whelming at times. But like I said they are all great games:) . Thanks means a lot about the poems.

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I'll get Broken Sword I within two weeks, so it's good to know that the game is, well, good.


El Virus, if you'll get it about the same time I do, which of us do you think will complete it faster? ;)


EDIT: Oh, and did you post a story at FF.Net? Someone from Argentina did, and I have a feeling that I know who that someone is... ;)

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Originally posted by VampireNaomi

I'll get Broken Sword I within two weeks, so it's good to know that the game is, well, good.


El Virus, if you'll get it about the same time I do, which of us do you think will complete it faster? ;)


EDIT: Oh, and did you post a story at FF.Net? Someone from Argentina did, and I have a feeling that I know who that someone is... ;)

Yes I did post it, I have posted a thread before knowing you posted this, keep reading on the Blue Casket forum.

By the way I'm not sure who will complete it first, consider this, I have to see if one of the games is in that store, & besides my computer is not the best, so I'll probably have to restart the game, and finally it depends, I'm sure you are an expert adventure game player, I have played few adventure games (Grim Fandango is the best!), but I like some RPG games, like Freelancer (which shares my number 1 with GF, you should try that game), but my favourite genre is Strategy (war games and all that fuss)

So in other words you have better chances.

PS: does anyone know if The Last Express or Sanitarium are good games?

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Yes, but I can't even buy the game myself. I have to order it online and it takes 3-5 days before I get it. Also, I have to stay 5 days in a Christian camp taking care of children and can't start playing before 12th of this month.


And NO, I am not an expert adventure player. I have played only seven games and never felt like finishing one (the original Maniac Mansion).


I'd say our chances are pretty much the same. ;)

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Wow, working for the church.

In BA it's very hard to find work if you are under 18, so I do various jobs for my family, or wait for birthdays, holidays, etc.

PS: Is there such thing as GF memorabilla, posters, figures, etc.?

Another thing, do you know the poem Manny and Velasco recite together in english?

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What is the poem like in Spanish? And how about the poem that Olivia reads the last in Blue Casket?


Could you do me a favour and tell what Olivia's poems are like in Spanish? I would love to post them on my Nick/Olivia site. I would give you credit for submitting them, of course. :)


Oh, and if you want to know about the other poems in English, I have put some of them on the site, and you can listen to them there.

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Here's one of them, I have sent you the rest,

"Con manos huesudas tomo a mi pareja

Nuestros desalmados pies se cruzan en el suelo

La música se detiene como si respondiera

Un golpazo vacío en la puerta

Su piel parecía tan dulce como el mango

Cuando por fin le estreche contra mi pecho

Pero ahora bailamos este macabro macabro Fandango

Y cuatro años han de pasar

Para poder descansar"

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Originally posted by VampireNaomi By the way, mail just brought Broken Sword in yesterday. It's very good! [/b]

Really!, I can't find it anywhere here, I'm going to try on different places next month, or just ask my uncle who lives in NY.

The movies I like are sci-fi, dramas, movies from WWII, some comedies, (Thanks to GF) Film Noir & right now I am renting or watching old movies, those which are on Black and White.


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The Last Express is a great game. It's unique in that it runs in real-time and people go about their daily activities. How you solve the puzzles depends on when and where you are. The story is great as well and the overall style is very polished. If you can buy the Last Express buy it, you won't regret it.

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