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SWGB2: Commander-specific unique units

Darth Windu

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Hi folks. Looking at my SWGB2 template, i have decided that each commander (general) needs a unique unit to further differentiate them from each other. What i was wondering is, does anyone have any ideas as to what these units could be? So far, i have-



- Mace Windu (Jedi) - TX130 fighter tank (from 'Clone Wars' game)

- Obi Wan Kenobi (Combined Arms) - Clone Lancers (from 'Clone Wars' series)



- Admiral Piett (Aircraft) - TIE Advanced (Episode IV)


and thats about all i've come up with so far. Any suggestions?

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Perhaps you could try and have more than one uniqye unit perhaps at least 3 a pair of unqiue structures and several upgrades since that would certainly help differntiate.


Can you list the Commanders and their specialities for each civ you've got and i'll give you some ideas.

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Yes. The this brings up the question of a Generals-ripoff. I didn't include Generals in my design because not only are they a ripoff of C&C Generals, but to be honest I don't think they are all that relevant to Star Wars. Let's face it, although you can shoehorn characters in Star Wars into specialities (Piett is Admiral of the Death Fleet... which is in space... therefore his speciality is Aircraft), for the most part the major factions fight in the same way no matter who is in command of the forces. Was Admiral Ackbar's assault on the Second Death Star really that tactically different to General Dodonna's assault on the First Death Star? No. Although Ackbar had Capital Ships at his disposal, the assault was mainly in the form of one-man fighters, the same as it was at Yavin.


So what I'm asking is this: are you including Generals in your design to better represent the Star Wars Universe, or are you including Generals in your design because it was a fun idea in Command and Conquer?

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Becayse that seems to be the way most RTS's are going and we've already said that ours is subtly different and also because it hasn't been tried in the star wars context so HOW do you know it isn't true. You did agree a while ago because it helped give a sense of scale and that is the reason I think they should be in.

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Viceroy - there is no way that i could possibly give each commander 3 unique units and two unique structures. One is hard enough.


Vostok - i added them for a number of reasons, but mainly so the game has a greater re-play value. After all, there is only so many times you can play a game until there is nothing new anymore, but with four different commanders for each of the five civs, there will be a greater re-play value.

As for reflecting SW, it does somewhat, in that each Commander/General/Admiral have their own strategy and area of expertise. Even looking at it as not promoting or reflecting SW, it doesnt take anything away and gives the extra re-play value.


As for the Commanders, they are


- OOM-9 (Mech)

- General Grievous (Combined Arms)



- Obi Wan Kenobi (Combined Arms)

- Mace Windu (Jedi)

- Yoda (Offence)

- Saesee Tiin (Aircraft)



- Darth Vader (Combined Arms)

- Admiral Piett (Aircraft)

- General Veers (Mechs)

- Admiral Ozzel (Defence)



- Admiral Ackbar (Aircraft)

- General Madine (Intelligence)

- General Rieekan (Defence)

- Luke Skywalker (Combined Arms)



- Padme Amidala (Combined Arms)

- Jar Jar Binks (Luck)

- Captain Tarpals (Mechs)

- Captain Panaka (Infantry)

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I see Vostok's point it does look like another rip-off since its what Windu does best. This would not give it replay value because sites like gamespy etc would see right through the game and know its a Generals copy.


Viceroy enough is enough every point Vostok has to say you shoot down, this whole thing is very tired. I now think you disagree with him just because you have a grudge don't like his views so you just attack every post he makes. I'm not defending Vostok but I'm just sick of the post wars you guys have every thread....

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How about General Poggle and Sev'rance Tann as other generals or perhaps Assajj Ventress she certainly did some military commanding. for her you could have Exotic Technology as her speciality


It's perfecdtly possible to create those windu i'll give some examples.


For admiral Ozzel you could give him a Huge Sheild Projector that could give all his units sheilding and you could have a Special type of Defense Turret


and for reiken You could have a Forward Command Post that when near trench system gives all units a bonus to all stats. you could also have a Medical Center that heals all Biological units when they are nearby.


See windu it's easy


Wouldn't having a few Defensive commanders lead to turtling?

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Well, as far as who said what and what belongs to what thread/post, I could care less.


That being said, a new RTS will be NOTHING like the old one. Just look at some of the new ones out there and the ones coming out soon. I think being able to "buy" heroes and build them up will be a huge part to any new RTS. And the building up of "force points" (fate points, earned via battle) will be key as well. Units are great and all, but give me a hero to build up and whomp on you with any day!


Bring on the Battle for Middle-earth goddamnit! ;) 11/15 can't come soon enough!!

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Well I don't know how they could add heroes in SW what happens when they die... I bet they just pass it off and you clone them when they die but cloning is not as big in the galaxy as most of these new games make it out to be. I don't think Jedi even would even like being cloned seeing as they are one with the force and all. But for gameplay I guess I'll accept it.


I'll buy B4ME upon or close to release it just looks awesome but since I don't have cable back yet I'll wait till January before I play it online. Even though I'm still a little worried about the balance.


Americans are very confused people don't they know day comes before the month :p

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You get just enough from the movies to establish the new villain's role and importance. The EU, of course, will flesh things out with George's blessing. -PH


I think we should however leave Classing General Grevious as a certain type of general until evertyhing comes out including the EU which from that quote is going to be critical and with George Lucas's blessing so there'll be some EU immune from purist arguments i never would have thought that.





- Obi Wan Kenobi (Combined Arms)

- Mace Windu (Jedi)

- Yoda (Offence)

- Saesee Tiin (Aircraft)



- Darth Vader (Combined Arms)

- Admiral Piett (Aircraft)


For Piett you could replace his airfeild with an advanced airfield that is armed heavily armouer and has sheilding. For a unique structure he could have a Starfighter Command which would boost all of his fighters and bombers by making them faster more manoeverable and cost less. you could also give him the TIE Scimtar Bomber and perhaps instead of getting walkers he could get the TIE Crawler and he could perhaps get the Insanely expensive TIE Defender {the starfighter command would reduce the cost but not so it can be whored that is unless your economy is in increadibly good shape}


- General Veers (Mechs)

- Admiral Ozzel (Defence)



- Admiral Ackbar (Aircraft)

- General Madine (Intelligence)

- General Rieekan (Defence)

- Luke Skywalker (Combined Arms)




I'll edit this post when i have more time.

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As Froz said, having multiple Generals certainly won't improved replayability. It's true game reviewers will shoot it down pre-emptively. But what do you base the argument of more Generals = more replayability on, Windu? Zero Hour has heaps of different generals and isn't any more replayable. In fact I haven't even played as some of the Generals in that game but it is already tired.


As pbguy said, I think Heroes are more important than Generals. Especially in a Star Wars game, where Heroes are the major part of the movies. Froz, when it comes to Heroes dying in the game, perhaps they can't be rebuilt? I'm not sure how Hero deaths are dealt with in BfME, but presumably a similar approach would be suitable for Star Wars. Don't forget the Hero may not even necessarily die; they're just taken out of action for a period of time, recover in a bacta tank and soon look strong enough to pull the ears of a Gundark.


Viceroy, I think Windu is hesitant to make up so many units because he's trying to preserve the Star Wars feel.

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he could always look to EU since that's what most people have done here to pad out their templates afterr much frantic searching in the films for a glimpse oir a glimmer of a unit idea.


The sheild projector idea was in the films except it was a sheild being projewcted to the death star I can however imagine that it could be done on something moving like the system in the first NJO book.

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Well, some aspects of B4Me seem to take aspects of War of the Ring. In scenario's you can start with heroes. If they die, sometimes you can "rebuy" them. In your "CC" you can buy heroes. But not with $$$. With Fate points. Fate points are awarded for battling. And certain hereos are worth more fate points. Also, you upgrade your heroes by having them battle more. Ex: my fighting Gandalf will whoop on your Saruman who you hide in your base because his levels will increase. Fate points can also be used to upgrade your heroes unique abilities. Wizards get spells. Aragorn uses ethelas to heal people, etc...


This "General" crap will never fly. Who knows who the hell a Piet is anyway? And more importantly, who cares. You can't micro the game with a unit no one knows or cares about. It's not worth it.

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I believe adding Commanders will increase re-playability because, ideally, each commander will play in a different way to the other commanders, and hence keep the game interesting for longer. As for ZH, i cant comment because i've never played it.


As for Unique Units, Vostok is correct. While it would be possible to give each commander 3 unique units each, it really would diminish the SW feel of the game and once you get too many units, people just dont care what they are sending into battle any more. Actually, thinking about that, i may try to reduce the number of units each side has...

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Well theoretically different Commanders should increase replayability. But in practice it would seem this is not the case. Zero Hour made the Generals far more diverse than you are planning on making yours, and it didn't increase replayability much at all. The only way Commanders could improve replayability is if they made each civ hugely unique like in Age of Mythology, but going to that much uniqueness will ruin the Star Wars feel.


So in conclusion I don't think Commanders/Generals are a good idea.

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Well i completely disagree Vostok. From what i have seen of ZH, the bonuses i am looking at are more diverse and are of greater value, and in terms of units, ZH only really gave modified units, whereas i am giving completely unique units.


Aside from that, even if the idea doesnt work as well as i think it will, it won't have taken anything away from the game so there is no reason not to include Commanders.

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ZH gave alot of new units, you can't judge on a game you never played. I still don't see how this will work. Balancing 20 different commanders, bonuses and units won't be easy at all.


This idea will take more then it will give. Generals made a huge mistake by adding 9 new general civs into the game when the 3 they currently had were not balanced at all. Forget the star wars feel, I think this will ruin gameplay you cannot balance all those generals in an already unbalanced template.

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