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How To Do This................


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Ok if I'm putting up a AA turrent that means I'm in t3 and I usually have strikes/air to harass the other team with a few troopers vs air and strikes.... If my enemy is going heavy air I'll put more turrents up or make aa mobiles its all about adapting and countering your enemies forces and thinking ahead.


BTW after 16min gametime it is not a rush anymore. If I'm wing I'll usually have 2 troop centers so I counter air with about 10 aa troops which counter weak t3 easily.

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Don't take it personally if your Rookie your rookie. I've seen records of you guys playing but I know most of you did not play as much as I did about 4 months ago. Once you play for 3 years straight you really don't lose skill you become rusty but its all still there.


Viceroy you keep throwing these empty threats at me, if you want me to play you I will set a time to meet on the zone. If not please shut up.....

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I can rush very well I I want to I prefer long drawn out games over short ones. You really should see the Recorded game between me LIAYD and sithchris I certainly defended myself well from several rushes in that one.


Froz we were discussing changing the time quite a while ago but since you didn't speak up of course we couldn't accomdate you When we next change the time which I think will be in 7 weeks with Vostok's return ask for an Aussie time and we'll accomdate you.


I don't fancy one of the Zone's Trademark Lagtacular games so I've declined the zone not a game with you.:bdroid2:

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Settle down kids. I sense too much testoterone. If you want to prove that your a man, I dunno, do something else then play a game:dozey:


Seriously, who really cares? We all play for fun(at least some of us do). I could care less about playing against inters or inter+ and beating them.


"OMG! I got an internet title! My self-esteem is up a notch!"



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Sorry, Viceroy, but what you played against was not a rush. That was my first game back, usually I'd have been at your doorstep with troops by the time that I hit t2 in that game. Not to mention that I was manning the trick-or-treat door (t'was Halloween here) and wasn't there for about half my attack.


Honestly, though I still like games that are settled by t3, long build-up-and-clash games can be fun too. The best are those that are a combo of both, where the fighting starts early and continues back and forth through t4.


Froz, you should play in some of our forum games. Then maybe the fighting will start sometime before mid-t4:D

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