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El Virus, here's the plot summary from the site I'm going to get it from:


"It’s 1924 and the Boundary Commission from Britain and Ireland is deciding on the new boundary line between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. After months of haggling over every inch of territory, the commissioners are forced to finish the job in hand, after a bicycle incident destroys the surveyor’s equipment. With all the participants holding... » Näytä koko teksti

It’s 1924 and the Boundary Commission from Britain and Ireland is deciding on the new boundary line between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. After months of haggling over every inch of territory, the commissioners are forced to finish the job in hand, after a bicycle incident destroys the surveyor’s equipment. With all the participants holding down the pencil and much pushing and shoving, the border finds it’s way down the middle of Puckoon, dividing house from outhouse, man from wife, pub chairs from bars, church from cemetery. Our hero Dan Maddigan (Sean Hughes) wakes up from his indolence to find cheap beer on the wrong side of the pub, and on a border patrol demanding passports. Puckoon will never be the same again. Something has to be done….


Based on Spike Milligan’s legendary comic masterpiece, which has sold over five and a half million copies to date, PUCKOON is a politically true(ish), politically incorrect and some believe profoundly funny tale of a divided island and Ireland."


That was quite long, but it sounds excellent and has O'Malley in it. Gosh, I love Nick so much. He's my second favourite character, right after Domino.


Hm, I'll have to see if this book is in my local library. It ought to be good.

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and whilst your there you should get out as much of spike milligan's other works as you can.


he's done books of poetry, novels and whatever you'd call the litirary equivelant of a sketch show amongst others.


the man is a living legend.


well ...


if you ignor the fact that he's dead that is.

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Originally posted by VampireNaomi

El Virus, here's the plot summary from the site I'm going to get it from:


"It’s 1924 and the Boundary Commission from Britain and Ireland is deciding on the new boundary line between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. [...] Our hero Dan Maddigan (Sean Hughes) wakes up from his indolence to find cheap beer on the wrong side of the pub, and on a border patrol demanding passports. Puckoon will never be the same again. Something has to be done….


Seems like a nice movie specially because I'm really interested in the Ireland/Britain

issue, still I have never seen it.

I'll see if it's on the movie rental store near my house:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought the film and watched it yesterday. It was very funny, though a bit weird.


And Daragh O'Malley... When I closed my mind I could imagine that he was playing Nick! He was excellent as Rudden and I think it's a pity a fine actor like him hasn't been in more movies.


He also looked a bit like Nick. He too had black curly hair.

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So it's a comedy...

Is it biased or so, I mean what side does this movie take the English or the Irish side?

By the way, there are some good American comedies, movies and programs. I really like "Seinfeld", and it's American, and there must be a good comedy movie out there...


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