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EMI Won't install on XP


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When I try to install EMI, the intro window pops up like it's supposed to, but when I press install, I get a pop up that says:


C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'close' to terminate the application.


Then I can choose 'Close' or 'Ignore' and either one I pick, it just closes the program and nothing happens.


I also tried running the 'Analyze Your Computer'. It analyzes it, and everything passes except for the CPU. It requires 200, but it says I have 0. I don't think this is possible, because I have an almost new computer. Then the program crashes and it says "Do you want to send error report etc. etc."


Help please!:confused:

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have you tried going into the actual CD drive and clicking on the Install Icon, it could be a problem with the shortcut.


If that doesn't work, find the install icon again, right click and go into properties, click the compatibility tab and set it for compatibility mode in Windows 98. That should work. There shouldn't really be any problems with EMi running on XP as such.

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I tried that. I tried it in all the compatablilty modes. It still does the same thing... Maybe I'll just have to give up and wait until I get my new computer. Unless someone knows something else I can do? thanks for trying though joshi!



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