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weapons in sp


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well heres the thing, at the moment, editing consists of overriding things, so for u to be able to give someone a jetpack that doesnt normally have one, im guessing u would have to overwrite a special utility that only they have. so i dont really think u could give a jetpack to everyone. u could prob try giving the dark trooper a clone trooper jetpack, that might work since he has a jetpack. might look a bit funny tho lol.

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lord_xander, what you can also try is swapping the geonosian's wings for a jetpack (I've seen the props for geonosian wings, they are the same as for ijetpack)


The biggest problems right now in giving jetpacks or etc. to any class are that:

a) we can't change the filesize of any /SIDE lvl.

b) we don't know how would a basic team unit behave with a special unit's item (jetpack, shield, etc).

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  • 2 weeks later...

good to know that that means that my Jet trooper Clone is going to get a sniper rifle as second gun :)


Edit: i changed the comand pistol in the sniper rifle and it says 6 bullets, but when you shoot alll the bullets away he just reload and you have new bullets. so the secondary always recharges ;)

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i did once try giving the jet trooper the battledroid sniper rifle, this is because the battledroid sniper like the rebel one, has two zoom lengths, and can zoom in closer, however when i tried to do this the game crashed, even tho i didnt change the file size at all. maybe some troops just cant hold certain weapons

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this is because when a level loads, it only loads the sides that are necessary, and since the clones are never versing the alliance, the rep.lvl and all.lvl are never loaded at the same time, this means if u try to reference to something in the all.lvl from the rep.lvl, to the rep.lvl u are referencing to something that doesnt exist, and ur game will crash.

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When I gave my jet trooper a rifle in his secondary weapon slot it let him fire all of his ammo off and then wouldn't reload....

Not only would it not reload by itself, it wouldn't reload by pressing "R" nor would it reload by standing near a grunk droid.

I tried giving the droideka blaster to my jet trooper and it doesn't work... I'm wondering if REP doesn't perhaps load before CIS, and then locals load last- which would explain why sometimes things work, sometimes they don't, and the ally factions always work.

I have, however, managed to give my jet trooper the laser cannon that the pilot uses in the REP gunship.

That looks pretty cool, seeing a bunch of jet troopers whith big green blasters coming from their hands- Very very unbalanced though... and the other drawback is that it only works on the couple of maps where the gunship is loaded.




I've tried lots of other things, though.. and nothing else seems to go well.. Can't give them stuff from the other faction, haven't been able to give anyone a lightsabre except ally factions, nor have I been able to give the jet trooper the arc's missile launcher.



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on the contrary. i find the cis are the hardest to mod, i cant even give them a blaster from a normal battledroid lol, this could be due to the fact that the normal battledroid is only ever in 2 levels, and then it is replaced by the super battle droid.


i would try to give them either the super battle droids blasters or the droidkas repeaters, but the names are too long and it cant be done without changing the size of the file.

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