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Juhani (Spoiler)


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I've read at StarWars.com and heard from people on this forums that it's possible to get Juhani to fall in love with you if you're a girl, how do you get this to happen? I've tried it with two different characters and nothing happened, I talked to her and completed her sidequest and all, the second time I even stopped talking to Carth after he told me about his wife and son, but still I didn't get her to say anything else than the usual stuff. What's the big trick? How do you get her to love you?


PS: On two occasions with two different characters she started asking me about my past (this was before you learn that you're Revan of course). Both times I was a male scout, but both times I was also hitting on Bastilla.


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Go to Bioware's storyline spoiler forum and do a search for Juhani Romance. I would provide you with a link, but Bioware's site is blocked by my employer.


If you dig around you'll find the thread where one of the Devs gave a blow-by-blow account of how to trigger this dialog.


I hope this helps.


EDIT: Here's the link.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did everything it said in that stupid thread and guess what, not a thing happened :mad: After the conversation that starts with 'I have been thinking much about our journey...' I didn't get to ask her about anything else than her personal history. What the hell is the problem?? Do I level up too quick? Do I talk to her too soon after she's joined the party? If that's the problem the designer at least didn't say anything about it.

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Originally posted by FiEND_138

It could also be that her conversations are extremely bugged. I've followed the list as well & had it work 1 time, then another not.


Lol, yeah. Like her sidequest. Half the times you fight Xor he doesn't say anything after you've defeated him or he doesn't fight at all. Once I went out of the ship without Juhani and he attacked me, I killed his buddies but he just stood there. Then I went to another planet (with Juhani) and he showed up there too, I triggered the conversation and made Juhani kill him but when I went back to the other planet he was still standing there!


Is it possible to have a romance with both Carth and Juhani during a game?

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