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The End of the Road?

Lecter 66

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Many have said that at the end of Grim Fandango, it left no ending. All ties were relatively tied up and that all ended happily ever after...but should it stay that way?


I think that a second Grim Fandango would be a hard sequel to follow, the success of the 1998 classic (like with all sequels eg: EMI) could be ruined by another game, however the plan to make a new adventure in the Eighth Underworld could take us deeper into the Afterlife.


But there would be no plot for Manny, Meche or Hector as they were all gone at the end of the first episode. However characters such as Eva and Glottis could return in a sequel with a new hero. Reminsent to Manuel Calavera, also a new dame and a new villain after all were destroyed at the end of Grim Fandango.


So is the general view of this?

Please post below :lsduel:

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I really do think that Grim Fandango ended perfectly, and everything fitted together, so I think that continuing it with a sequel would not be a good idea. But maybe it would be good for a sequel if it took place in the same time, but from the perspective of another character, like Domino



And, by the way, that is what we are doing in our "Grim Fandango-Half Life 2 modification" (details coming soon here).

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't want a sequal, I want a remake. New graphics, bugs fixed, updated to run on fast systems, missing content put in, a LITTLE bit more interaction and easter eggs(just as a bonus), and maybe even one or two new and very small characters. Would it not be unbelievably awesome to play GF again in that way? People would rush to the shelves because, hey, look at the fanbase that GF has aquired in these past years! It would sell like hotcakes, and if done by Double Fine, would be the greatest thing since sliced bread. And sliced bread, let me tell you, was pretty great when it came out.

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I actually made a full-game script for a "prequel" a couple of years ago. People wanted me to post it up so I started translating it. Never finnished it though, and now I can't find the original copies either. :( It's a shame really.


Man, i got to find it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by James Isaac

I really do think that Grim Fandango ended perfectly, and everything fitted together, so I think that continuing it with a sequel would not be a good idea. But maybe it would be good for a sequel if it took place in the same time, but from the perspective of another character, like Domino



And, by the way, that is what we are doing in our "Grim Fandango-Half Life 2 modification" (details coming soon here).


Agreed. It did end perfectly. They ,also, could make a game which is in the world not related to this at all. Even better they could have the beggning of the world! You could play and as you get through the story new people die and come there and make shops for you to interact with and you could start the buissness that Manny workded.


Wow alot of typin.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As far as the story is concerned, it began and ended perfectly. I don't want any more information. Manny happily went on to the next world with Meche and all was wonderful. As far as manny's life is concerned, I want to mystery to stay a mystery.


I suggest pining for another adventure game, but no more GF games. It's just too darn perfect to spoil.

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  • 1 year later...
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't want a sequal, I want a remake. New graphics, bugs fixed, updated to run on fast systems, missing content put in, a LITTLE bit more interaction and easter eggs(just as a bonus), and maybe even one or two new and very small characters. Would it not be unbelievably awesome to play GF again in that way? People would rush to the shelves because, hey, look at the fanbase that GF has aquired in these past years! It would sell like hotcakes, and if done by Double Fine, would be the greatest thing since sliced bread. And sliced bread, let me tell you, was pretty great when it came out.



That's an excellent idea. Although, it Double Fine were to do it (and personally speaking, I think they are the only company that could) they would have to acquire the licence from LucasArts.

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