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Men of Valor


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This is about the Vietnam War and game that recently came out, Men of Valor.


Story- It's 1967 and Vietnam has been going on for 4 years now. You are a soldier about to live the year called Shellshock Nam '67.




Enlisted Rank: (No Leutenants or higher. Highest rank is Sergeant Major.)


Army: (USA- Armed Forces, Navy, or Marines: Vietcong-NVA or Rebels)



Name: Dean Shepherd

Age: 24

Enlisted Rank: Sergeant Major

Side: USA

Army: Marines!

Weapons: CAR-15, Colt 1191, Frags


Shepherd and his pals were playing around with his FootBall when out of the blue, missiles start falling!

"C Squad! Form up!" Shepherd said. He waited for his other men to fall in...

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Name: Cliff Smith

Age: 18

Enlisted Rank: Private

Side: USA

Weapons: M16 Assualt Rifle, Bertta , 14 Frag Gernades(refills his 14 gernades every mission)

Bio: Joined the Army reserve to get some good money

Army: Marines

-He was shooting pistols at targets with some of his firends. All of teh sudden he heard a huge explosion and Dean calling from them to line up. He and his friends ran to dean-

"Reporting for duty sir!" Cliff and his friends all said at once as they lined up.

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Name - K. Carter

Age - 19

Rank - Private

Side - USA

Army - Armed Forces

Weapons - M16 Rifle, standard pistol, frag grenades



Carter stood and watched the Marines toss around a football. His company was tagging along with them, but it felt like they were just nuisances to those Marines.


His trembling hand reached for another cigarette, and he carefully lighted up. Carter was scared. He knew nothing about war.


As Carter inhaled once more 2 huge explosions roared behind him. People started screaming, and he vaguely heard "C squad! Form up!" in all the din.


Quickly, ckcsaber ran towards the nearest source of any organization and hoped for the best.


I'm not supposed to be here.....

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"Men." Dean said. "Grab your gear and meet back here in 15 minutes. We're going to go check out and see what those Viets are doing up on that hill. Move out!"

Dean ran and got his his Car-15, and holstered his pistol. He quickly ran back and waited for his men to return.

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"Oh Jesus" muttered Carter.


He caught a glimpse of some Viet-cong in the distance.


Just stay cool, man. Stay cool. Go meet the Sarge and keep your head down. That's the only way you're ever going to get home alive


Carter slowly made his way back to the meeting point after grabbing his rifle. His heart was still pounding from the attack earlier that day.


Carter came upon Dean and a few men waiting for the others. He gave a slight nod towards Dean, prepared for the worst.

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Dean grabs Carter and Smith.

"You two, your coming with me. We're going to take that APC to Da Vinga, a small town just north of here. Charlie will be leading.

Dean jumped on the desinated APC, Carter and Smith jumped on top too.

"Pilot, let's move!" The two APCs started up and drove. Dean had a slight bad feeling.

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Name: Duong Lo


Enlisted Rank: Sgt. Major


Army: Rebels.

Weapons: AK-47 with bayonet, machete, frags.



Sergeant Major Duong Lo stood at the edge of the town of Da Vinga, scanning the troops that had been gathered from the local population as they stood along side the "professional" rebel infantry. Duong Lo spoke in a strong voice, in Vietnamese.


"Scouts have reported that a American APC has been spotted on a course for this town. You have been gathered here so that you may have a chance to defend your homes from them!


Make no mistake about our common enemy, they are merciless in victory! Should they break us here, they will kill every last man, rape our women, and take our children, and turn them into little Americans themselves!"


He looked over the shocked and outraged citizens of Da Vinga and nodded.


"But they shall not break us here, no! We will repel these meddlers from OUR war! We will send them running back from which they came today! Being the highest ranking soldier in this town, it falls upon me to lead you to victory!


We must move with caution, for our enemy is a fiendish, and cunning one. We must surprise them, catch them off guard, and use our superior numbers to overwhelm them!


And before we start preparations, I ask you to remember! This war is between Vietnamese, and Vietnamese only! They have no right to be here! Let us fight bravely to defend our homes from them, and drive them back to the immoral lands from which they came!!"


The army behind him cheers for a few minutes, before they begin to take positions in preparation for there arrival.

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The APCs roll along smoothly untill a Vietnamise shove a Cow in front of Deans APC.


"Move your damned cow lady!" Hayes says. "Move it!"


The Woman says something in Vietnamise and Hayes argues back in Vietnamise. The scold back and forth untill McNair jumps down from the ACP in front.


"I'll help you move yo-"


He never got to finish because as soon as he walked four steps a booby-trap blows right under him. Sniper fire errupts from the edge of the city.


"Everyone, hide behind the APCs! Use them for cover!" Dean barks.


All the Troops jump of their APCs and duck behind them. Dean calls in the Huey team.


"Hu 67, do you copy? This is Redbeard. Repeat, do you copy?"


A moment passes, then two Hueys fly over Dean's position.


"Copy Redbeard. We're on station. What do you need?" The pilot asks.


"We need an airstrike on the edge of town, or some covering fire as we move in." Dean says.


"Roger, we got your covering fire. HU 67, out."


The Hueys begin their assault with Heavy Machine Gun fire. Deans barks the next orders.


"HU 67 is providing Heavy fire as we move into town. Watch the tree lines and any RPGs. Move out soldiers!"

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-Ducks down but goes quickly following Dean as they crawl across the farms outside of town-


-Spots some Vietnamses hiding in the crops-


"Their in the crops!"


-Throws a gernade and kills 7 enemy Soliders hiding in the crops-


"Their everywhere!"


-Says as he shoots at more enemy troops-

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Sergeant Major Lo orders several Bazooka wielding rebel infantry to fire on one of the APCs. Using the nearby hut's as cover, they fire several shots into the side of an approaching APC, sending the soldiers inside, as well as those using it for cover flying.


Nodding in a pleased manner, he quickly directs three members of his veteran troops to fire there limited supply of stinger missiles at the Hueys. Three stingers are shot at one of the two Hueys, two narrowly miss, whilst the third slams directly into the cockpit of the chopper, sending it crashing to the ground near an APC, causing it to veer off course and into a building. Though only a few soldiers where injured, and none killed, it still eliminated the immediate threat.


Lo quickly ordered the front line at the city to pull back, and take cover within the huts of the inner-town. He told several groups of his elite corps to run from the city using the back entrance. They quickly carried out there orders, and ran out through the city gates. (( These aren’t the gates you entered through, but the ones on the other side of the city. ))

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"We've lost HU 68!" HU 67 called out.


Dean saw the chopper still in the air, but it was too hot. HU 67 had to pull back.


"HU 67, pull back. It's too hot. I repeat, pull back!" Dean commanded.


"Roger that." HU 67 reported. "Pulling back."


As the Huey flew away, some Vietnamise cheered. But that was a mistake. Corporal Moyer walks up to me.


"Sir, we have word from command. They say gather the dead and leave. The President is athorizing a bomb drop on the city."


"Oh God." Dean says and looks at the village. "Tell them orders acknollaged."


"Yes sir!" The corporal replies and walks off.


Dean picks up his CAR-15 and orders the medics to get the wounded and dead and load them up on any APC not destoryed. Then he walked over to Smith and Carter.


"You two. Come with me. We're not going back guys, we are going in after the bomb raid." Dean says.


"Their faces look glum, but Dean cheers them up.


"Don't worry, it will be fine. We'll have a few others."


((HINT: More people can join.))

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As the American troops began to pull back, they where met with an unexpected obstacle, the troops Lo had ordered to leave the town had circled around and launched a assault on the front!


The grizzled Veteran Rebels shot accurately into the groups of American soldiers, there bullets aimed for soldiers and medics alike. Several medics where shot dead as they attempted to recover the wounded and deceased.


The Veteran Troops stormed in through the gates, as the shaken American soldiers dash for cover, many being fallen by the enemies shots.


Lo smiled as he saw his plan come together, as he rose he hand, and pumped it forward. The civilians and less experienced soldiers in front of the Americans charged in on them. The American forces where now being hit from both sides, as another APC was destroyed by bazooka fire.


They where surrounded, both of the villages exits where blocked off now by the enemy.


Lo shouted to his troops in Vietnamese "Capture who you can for interrogation!"


(( More people can always join, as there are plenty of soldiers on both sides. :) Always enough roles for people to take. ))

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This is the end


*Bullet fire rained down all around Carter*


Beautiful friend


*An APC blew up to Carter's right*


This is the end


*An American voice cried out, his life cut short. Carter began to weep*


My only friend, the end :D


"Carter WHAT ARE YOU DOING! Get your ass headed to the tree line! MOVE!!!" screamed Dean.


As Carter, Dean, and Smith began to move to the treeline and await the eventual bombing, gunfire erupted in front of them....

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The men where now blocked off from escaping. Surrounded, trapped by wave after wave of gun fire. They had lost over 80% of there squad, thanks to the ambush, and now where smack dab in the middle of a entire towns worth of Vietnamese.


The soldiers, as they neared the wounded and broken American survivors, halted there fire. A voice, the voice of Lo from behind the men boomed loudly from behind them, as he spoke in English.


"Drop your weapons, and surrender! You have no hope of victory, do not throw your life away foolishly. Think of your women, and throw your rifles down."

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