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The Return of AdventureDevelopers.com


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Adventure Developers, the community hub for independent and hobbyist adventure games, is back! Finally, after over a year of downtime, we reopened our website. Adventure Developers strives to cater both the gamer and developer of independently (or amateur) adventure games.


So what are we going to offer?


For the developer:

- We're going to continue to provide developers with interesting, incisive and helpful articles related to game development. Some of our articles are written by industry professionals.

- Stay in touch with your audience, promote your project or game, get help from other developers and discuss game development. We're determined to become the central hub for developers from everywhere. It doesn't matter if you're using engine X or engine Y; you're always welcome to participate in our forums.

- We're going to continue reviewing games too, but perhaps a little different from what you might have been used to. We're aiming to write our reviews in a constructive way, pointing out specifics that are hopefully useful for future development projects (for other developers as well).

- We provide hosting for developers with finished games that are looking for a place to put up their website.

- Don't know where to start? Our Authoring section for the beginning developer lists all the known engines and tools to start creating your own adventure game.


For the gamer:

- An extensive database (which is still growing) of independently developed adventure games. We don't only list finished games, but also games that are still in development. We're constantly updating.

- Talk about the latest games, or get help when you got stuck. Our forums are also available for gamers.


For both:

- We're always on the lookout, keeping our visitors updated with news and information in the area of independent adventures.


Take a look, sign up and tell us what you think. We're relying on your support!


Thanks! :)



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thats insane! just today I updated one of my sites with tutorials that i salvaged from the old adventure developers. I dont have pictures for Tiller Technique1, but I do have the discussion. And I dont have the comments for 3 of the design tips, but I have all the rest.


well, i am certainly glad youre back, but i was seriously going to put a post on here a couple hours ago, and was going to ask how i could get my hands on those images for Tiller Tech 1. weird stuff.


you can have a look over at my tutorial section by going here:http://home.comcast.net/%7Escottrnichols3/tutorials.htm


the site is a temp, but the tutorials are all there. its such a weird coincedence. i actually went to adventuredevelopers.com like 10 times today, just randomly.

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