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Missile Launcher Issues

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I've pretty much been exclusively playing Vanguards/Shock Troopers lately, and I've noticed a few things about the missile launchers:


1. Sometimes, a direct rocket hit won't kill someone. I'll shoot them in the chest with a rocket, they'll fall down, and then get back up. I thought it might have been some sort of cheat, but I've noticed it happen with bots now as well. I haven't noticed any pattern to when this happens.


2. Sometimes the Vanguard shoots only 1 missile, while other times I've had him shoot 3! Not only is this pretty weird, it completely screws with infantry target leading.


3. After reloading and bringing the launcher back up, there's a delay before you can shoot. This isn't all that big of a deal, but IMO if you have the rocket launcher back up in position, you should be able to shoot.


4. Against ships: Barring obstacles, if a rocket is locked on, it should hit the ship. The rocket shouldn't loop all around the ship or follow it for a minute -- it should hit the ship within a few seconds. Ships probably need to be tweaked in any case. It takes a ridiculous number of rockets to take ships down (except for the Republic gunship; they only take 2, which makes them pretty useless IMO) but the ships seem to fall apart at the slightest touch from other ship's guns or the Yavin AA guns. Ships also seem to be much too maneuverable.


5. Lock on: I'm starting to think this is less broken than I previously thought. With more practice, I can lock on to most things without too much trouble. There are still a few issues though:


-The range could stand to be increased.

-Again, once locked on, the rocket should hit within a reasonable amount of time.

-Sometimes, the lock on sound will get "stuck". When this happens, the lock on sound plays when the reticle moves over droids, friendly vehicles, and sometimes just whenever it feels like playing apparently. While mostly annoying, it can make you think there is an enemy vehicle in the vicinity when there really isn't.

-Why can't we lock on to jet troopers? Their jetpacks surely have some sort of signature that could be locked onto, and could help to balance things a bit.

-It's counter-intuitive to have the lock on indicator bar with your ammo. For weeks I was locking on with only the indicator sound because I simply didn't notice the bar. (this seems to be the case with many things in the game) It might be nice to have the indicator on the reticle so you don't have to split your attention to different parts of the screen.

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No missile launcher can shoot three missiles at once. The Golan Arms HH-15 Missile Launcher, used by Rebel Vanguards, shoots two missiles. All other missile launchers shoot one missile per shot.


The missile launchers with one missile per shot have something else for them. Each missile does more damage, or has two missiles per clip so you don't have to reload after every shot.


But I do think the missile launchers could be improved.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

No missile launcher can shoot three missiles at once. The Golan Arms HH-15 Missile Launcher, used by Rebel Vanguards, shoots two missiles. All other missile launchers shoot one missile per shot.


Yes, the Vanguard's launcher is supposed to shoot 2 missiles at a time, but I have seen it shoot both 1 and 3 missiles sometimes. This would be a bug.


Edit: Now, the 1 missile could be attributed to 2 missiles being shot close enough together that they just look like 1 missile. However, most of the times I've seen the 3 missile shot occur was right after a 1 missile shot, so it seems like the game is getting the numbers confused.

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1. Sometimes, a direct rocket hit won't kill someone. I'll shoot them in the chest with a rocket, they'll fall down, and then get back up. I thought it might have been some sort of cheat, but I've noticed it happen with bots now as well. I haven't noticed any pattern to when this happens.


Probably they just respawned and were still invincible.


A couple of times I've respawned in Endor while the opposition have been spawn-killing and gone flying out of a tree house only to pick myself up again.



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I don't think it's a case of the rocket not killing someone, but an "instant respawn." On several occasions, I've been very obviously killed, and have respawned instantly in the exact same place (without going through the faction/class selection screen, or reappearing at a command post.) You're just suddenly alive again, right where you died. Seems to have something to do with clicking mousebuttons while you die, as each time it happens, I'm trying to shoot someone and rapidly clicking off shots.


One issue I have with the rocket launchers is that they're unrealistic. If they do enough damage to punch through armor, they should have at the very least a small (say 2-meter) area of splash damage. You can literally shoot someone standing right beside someone else and it's like you're using a sniper rifle, as only one person suffers damage.... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by mrflippy

4. Against ships: Barring obstacles, if a rocket is locked on, it should hit the ship. The rocket shouldn't loop all around the ship or follow it for a minute -- it should hit the ship within a few seconds. Ships probably need to be tweaked in any case. It takes a ridiculous number of rockets to take ships down (except for the Republic gunship; they only take 2, which makes them pretty useless IMO) but the ships seem to fall apart at the slightest touch from other ship's guns or the Yavin AA guns. Ships also seem to be much too maneuverable.


Agree completely about the Gunship, it's a pain in the butt even fully loaded, cause they're so fragile.


And as for the ships... there's a reason they're much more maneuverable. It's because the maps they're played on are WAY TOO FRIGGIN SMALL. If they weren't that maneuverable, you'd get blasted repeatedly for flying off the battlefield.

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