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monkey.000 and monkey.001


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I have secret of monkey island and monkey island 2: revenge of Lechuck. So I should be happy you think. But the games are both in Spanish :(

I found monkey2.000 and monkey2.001 somewhere on the big unknown web known as the internet. I pasted them over the files of my game and guess what: monkey island 2 is in English!

So I looked for monkey.000 and monkey.001 too, but I couldn't find them. I wrote Lucasarts, but they can 't help me.


Can anyone tell me where I can get monkey.000 and monkey.001 (the English versions) please?

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I allready bought the two monkey islands on eBay, actually I also bought the two others (CMI & EMI) in a store a long time ago. So I paid enough money for it. I asked Lucasarts themself to help me with this problem, but they didn't take time (they sent me a standard reply).

Can't anyone who has the English version send me the 2 files (monkey.000 & monkey.001) please?

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see i think this is something that gets a little out of hand. I mean im all for copy protection and what not. I myself have owned so many copies of the games its not even funny. never borrow out your games. But i mean in the case of having LEGAL versions of the game that were completely PAID for even then stuff happens.. you spill pop on a disk or other completely unavoidable mishaps. In that case I would say that it was ok to "find" the files "somewhere" but please dont look here. I mean this is an official board operated by lucas arts. anyone with a little know how can find what they "need" or are "missing" someplace. just not here.

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Wow, apparently this is an official LucasArts board that is operated by the company. :eyeraise:


The thing is that if a person truly lost or damaged a disk, they can get it replaced from LucasArts with little hassle. Of course, seeing that the person with the problem is from Belgium...

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Originally posted by mybleedinheart

see i think this is something that gets a little out of hand. I mean im all for copy protection and what not. I myself have owned so many copies of the games its not even funny. never borrow out your games. But i mean in the case of having LEGAL versions of the game that were completely PAID for even then stuff happens.. you spill pop on a disk or other completely unavoidable mishaps. In that case I would say that it was ok to "find" the files "somewhere" but please dont look here. I mean this is an official board operated by lucas arts. anyone with a little know how can find what they "need" or are "missing" someplace. just not here.


Okay, first of all, this site is run by fans, for fans, hardly anyone who works for LucasArts comes here (not anymore anyway, not since sam n max 2...), but just because we're a fan site doesn't mean we operate a strict "no pirating" rule (except where it's actual pirating with the swash and the buckle). 2, if anything were to "happen" to your disk, the actual LucasArts company can replace it for you, no hassle, no cost (above postage), so technically, you should never have to download files. I know it's a pain and the mention of copying or downloading does get a far harsher response on this board than it generally should, but it's how we operate and timewise, Othello would have been banned by now, so just count yourself lucky this hasn't happened. I'm sorry we can't help you on this front, but we've done all we can.

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