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Will kotor 2 actually have an override folder?

Dak Vesser

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This concerns both PC and Xbox;


I just wanted to say that I hope that "The Sith Lords" will actually have an override folder. I know that it's the same game engine, but I hope that they didn't re-encrypt everything as well as take out the override folder that Bioware provided.


As an Xbox modder, I noticed that the xbox Kotor DVD didn't come with an override folder. I had to rip the whole thing to the xbox HDD, then put one in to get it all going. <--(the Xbox Ritual)


I just have this strange feeling that things are going to be different with Kotor 2's new file types, like I hope they don't contain everthing all into one big "GOB" file like Raven Software did with Jedi Academy for the Xbox. :mad:


I know that the Xbox version will be out first. So I'll see if it'll take in an override folder, if not then I hope at least the PC version will have one..


So I just wanted to ask all the Master Jedi Modders if we're all prepared for this new game. Because if not,


What will Fred Tetra do!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

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Ok that's good about the file types being the same and all, "But still" Are we sure about the Override folder?


Will it be there?

Will the Xbox be able to use one?

Will there be one for the PC?


Did Obsidian leave it in, or take it out?


And I don't want to take this off the subject, but about the kotor GameSave editor, the Xbox does not like the GameSaves modified, nor hacked thanks to these .sig files. For axample; "gamesave.sav" comes with a "gamesave.sig" If the "gamesave.sav" is modified, it will no longer match the "gamesave.sig" and therefore it comes up as a damaged gamesave on the Xbox.


So unless the Kotor GameSave editor has the ability to re-sign the .sig files, it cannot work for the Xbox.


(Xbox, the Non-Cheat Computer)

Therefor we don't really hack the Gamesaves.


For us Xbox modders, we depend on the fact that the "Xbox DVD Game"such as Kotor is infact a PC game with all the files being the same with a few exceptions.


But sometimes the Developers will "refurbish" everthing just to labal a game "Xbox version", and thus it's all new file types, none of the "PC tools" will work or Parse these files, ya know?---> because all the headers are changed or it's all bundled up in some 500Mb container file or something like that.


So back to the subject, I'm sure that I speak for alot of the other Xbox modders that we 're very lucky that the Override folder concept was available for the xbox, that Bioware did not "Refurbish" Kotor to not use an Override folder.


And so I'm hoping the same will be for this new "Obsidian Kotor2".

I'm just "sketchy" about it, and I also hope the .sig files won't be there this time too but I doubt it.


That's all

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And I don't want to take this off the subject, but about the kotor GameSave editor, the Xbox does not like the GameSaves modified, nor hacked thanks to these .sig files. For axample; "gamesave.sav" comes with a "gamesave.sig" If the "gamesave.sav" is modified, it will no longer match the "gamesave.sig" and therefore it comes up as a damaged gamesave on the Xbox.


So unless the Kotor GameSave editor has the ability to re-sign the .sig files, it cannot work for the Xbox.


Hmm... I think Holowan Laboratories is a subdirectory of PC Version... ;) So I guess I'm saying, "too bad, so sad".

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