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My tale of Kotor


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About 2 months back I bought a Xbox, now I was cheap and couldn't afford the nice brand new ones and got mine off of ebay for like $100 with free shipping (Huge deal to me) I wanted a xbox so bad for the so called fable which was highly overated.. well finally I had fable and a xbox and I played fable a bit and was satisfied.. beat it in about 7 hours I think (not sure on that) Anyways after realizing how crappy the game was I went out to search for another game as I looked thru the games at gamestop a few games caught my eye morrowind and knights of the old republic. Now I read both of the covers and they both seemed worth my purchase but only had enough for one game. After standing around for 25 min reading the back cover and looking at other games I finally walked out with kotor game of the year edition. Now I got to say I was sort of a starwars fan but not that big of one that I have posters on my walls or collector toys.. but I figured since it was only $15 or so dollars that it should keep me busy while I waited for san andreas to come out. I went home and stuck the game in and from that point on I was hooked.. it was the best game I have ever played in my entire life. Now don't get me wrong but the whole pick your own adventure thing along with deciding how you want to go about doing things with full voice overs was amazing.. I never even heard of this game but yet it ruled to holy hell. I think I played that game non stop for 1 1/2 days till I beat it without a break. All I am saying is.. I can't wait for kotor 2 and that I hope it lives up to the same aspect and expections that I figure it will.

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i have a similar story going back a year or so my partners son came to stay with us for a week or so he brought down his xbox and i got to play halo (this was before halo was available for pc) i loved it but i wasnt about to buy the xbox for one game especially as i had a ps2 and a pc so if i were to get a xbox it had to be because there were a few games that i liked that were exclusive to the xbox, so at this point i didn't bother about getting one.


about six months or so ago the son comes down again with his xbox and games i look through his games as he says i can play any one i liked i tried max payne 1st just to compare it to the pc and ps2 version, then i noticed kotor as it was a star wars fan and i asked him what it was like he grinned and said if i play it i'll be hooked, so i tried it i was a bit confused because i realized it was an rpg and i dont like rpg games but i carried on to play the game and next thing i know for every spare moment playing the game i now own an xbox and a xbox and pc version of kotor


and i cant wait for kotor2, if kotor2 were to be released on both formats at the same time i would probably only buy the pc version but as it seems xbox will be for dec04 and pc feb05 i'll probably get both

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I have a story similar to yours, emilniemi. When I got my Xbox over a year ago, the first game I bought was KOTOR. I thought it would be an action game like JK, but after playing for a little, I was hooked. I woke up at 6:00 AM and did not stop playing till I beat it. It went that way for five months...

I finnaly got kinda bored, bought the PC version, and to my delight, it was even better. I played that for about five months as well....

I finnaly got bored with it, played JA, but I was introduced to PCgamemods, downloaded a mod for KOTOR, and since them I've downloaded so many mods that I had to re-install game, and now I have over a thousand files in Override.

So far, I've been playing KOTOR for over a full year now... and I'm still not bored! :D I expect to be playing till TSL comes out...

Ah, one of the many reasons why the PC version is superior... Mods! :D


By the way, welcome to the forums! :)

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