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som1 plz just tell me.....


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At EB (in Melbourne) they are saying that the game will be released with the PC version in Feb. however, dont quote me on this, but we usually get games at the same time UK gets them, so we could get the X-Box game in a few days???


Also at D-Store (online shopping) they are saying it will be released in Feb, and they are Australian based.


it's not all Americans enjoying TSL this month, just the XBox crowd


I surpose that is one good thing about getting both games in Feb, we dont have to waste money buying two games.

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Originally posted by headlesspartan

yeah but im asking when it will be released in australia

& I told you no one really knows. It was supposed to ship Feb. 05 internationally & all PC platforms, but theres rumors international Xbox may ship in Dec., according to stores over seas. If you followed the links, people have tried getting in touch with LA about the date, myself included, & have got no real answer. So I guess you could just go down to your local game store after Dec. 6 or later & ask them 'Do you have TSL?'

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