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Endor with "Jedi Heroes"? (moved from SWBF forum)

Master Jaxu

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Lord Vader would have had his troops actually defend the bunker instead of having them flee. Geez, whoever was in command down there didn't know the first thing about defense.


Luke could have just cut through the bunker door with his lightsaber, if he wasn't off fighting Vader, which he probably would have been doing.


And yes, this probably belongs elsewhere.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

Lord Vader would have had his troops actually defend the bunker instead of having them flee. Geez, whoever was in command down there didn't know the first thing about defense.


Luke could have just cut through the bunker door with his lightsaber, if he wasn't off fighting Vader, which he probably would have been doing.


And yes, this probably belongs elsewhere.


The troops don't actually flee. Rather they chase AFTER the Ewoks, allowing the small band of captured rebels to escape in the confusion. And remember that the Shield Generator was a huge installation, not just one tiny bunker. The Ewoks showed the rebels the "back entrance" that which much more lightly guarded.


This should become apparent on close viewing of the new DVD (widescreen edition shows a lot more than full frame!).


Otherwise good points.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

And remember that the Shield Generator was a huge installation, not just one tiny bunker. The Ewoks showed the rebels the "back entrance" that which much more lightly guarded.


Yeah. When I see the Imperial Officers running out into the woods, I wonder: "they're friggen unarmed, where the hell are they going... get back in the bunker, fools!" :p I guess they're heading to the front to get reinforcements or something. We know that the front enterance couldn't be too far away, because shortly after the Rebels enter the bunker (the first time), an assembly of Imperials arrive to capture the Rebels.

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It looks to me like they're chasing after the Ewoks (rather than standing still and taking aim, right?).


They were trying to "beat" the ambush with bravado. Of course once they split up and got confused in the woods the Ewoks had an easier time with them.


I imagine if this had been a modern movie, we'd have had the Ewoks attacking from the outside, while the Troopers tried to shoot them, giving the Rebels and opportunity to do some Judo throws and other take-downs and use them as shields against the arrows until they'd defeated the Imperial platoon that had arrested them.


As to the reinforcements, it happened pretty fast. I suppose they could have just radioed the other guys and had them ride their speeder bikes to the scene from wherever on the moon they were. Thick forests that weren't pre-cleared would make walker travel quite slow to get there in time to make any difference in the battle.


As to the officers, they carry pistols, but their real purpose would be to say to the Stormies "uh, shoot that little bear, good job, now shoot that other one, etc" Hmm... ; )

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