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New Character help...


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Hi I'm new to the SWG universe and I'm getting the game (+ expansion) for Christmas 2004 due to the fact im only getting broadband on Jan 19th 2005. I've been doing a lot of reading and have read some brilliant guides by some fo the SWG fans and I was wondering if people could help me with creating a reasonably good character or atleast give there opinion on the one I've designed :confused: . Well here it is...


Master Tears Kasi Artist

Master Squad Leader

Advanced Carbine Skill

Novice Artisan


I know this will take a while to achieve I was just wondering if it was worth while or what might be a better option. Thanx to anyone that bothers to take the time to post a reply.

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I've heard Squad Leader is pretty much 'broken' for now, though I imagine they'll be doing something about that with the combat rebalance. As for the rest, well; one of the great things about this game is that you can try it all with just one character. If you have the time. As mentioned in another thread around here somewhere, swordsmen have more fun killing things up close. Try everything and see what you enjoy doing the most.


You've certainly come up with a character that can take care of themselves, which is always a good way to start.

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Squad leader is considered by some to be worthless, but it actually does have it's uses, just maybe not worth the skill point investment.


Carbines is one of the more "broken" combat proffessions, and not mastering any combat prof will be of little use, particularly when you have mastered another one.


Teras Kasi is great.


Novice artisan may not be terribly useful, not because the idea is bad, but because Novice Artisans can't make much that's very useful. But it's great to experience crafting, one of the best things in this game.


I'd say you have a great plan for starting the game. You will undoubtedly want to change it as you progress, and it's really easy to do so. But what you have now is great for experiencing many aspects of the game, and you'll quickly learn what you like and don't like.

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