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help on Onderon [SPOILERS]


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Im past dxun, and am on onderon, i have given one starport visa to some chick and her two kids, and have beaten all the swoop races, and fought two groups of bounty hunters. I dont know where to find that missing doctor guy, and i dont know how to get past those guards blocking the ski ramp.......I NEED HELP PLZ!!!!!![sry if im being a bit annoying]

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Go to the doctor's house (mandalore's contact) near the cantina. And speak to the guard. he'll tell you that the doctor has been murdered. Then go to the Cantina and speak with people around there about the murder.



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Originally posted by HitMan202

i already did that, i talked to the bar tender, and the three others. i dont know where to go from here(wheres the jail, and if its past the sky ramp then how do i get across there).


The jail



The jail is over where the black guy is, commander Rikeel or something weird like that, it's in the first section of Onderon. However, before you do that, you have to prove that the doctor didn't do it, and by doing that, you've gotta find droid parts (which are outside the cantina at Onderon) then you go to the one droid, and you ask him if he's got a head, which he does, in that head is a recording, view the recording, go back inside, talk to the doctors friend, and he'll accompany you back to the commander, in which you explain it's impossible for the doctor to have killed the soldier



Darth333, the doctor isn't dead ya dummy :p He's on trial for murder!

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