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Force Crush(What Prestige Class)? (spoilers)


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but does anyone else feel that Jedi Watchman got shafted compared to Sith Assassin? I mean I get that there are a fistful of Darths here but the Sith get three extra levels of sneak attack and I can't see any offsetting advantage for the Watchman......




just asking is all.

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Originally posted by ClumsyClayson

Does force crush hurt enemies?

Why yes it certainly does, Force Crush is actually unstoppable damage too! :D

Originally posted by ClumsyClayson

I thought it just lowered thier will saves and atributes? I am a Sith Lord. I may have confused its name but I can't see any other similiar force power.


The Sith Lord gains the ability to demoralise their opponents, I can't remember the powers name right now, but it appears in your offensive Force Powers when enemies are near, there are three levels of strength to it too. Use it first then Force Storm them to death. :D


Originally posted by ClumsyClayson

What is the Power which is shown in the opening video, where the enemie is lifted up then dies?

Force Crush


You get it on Dantooine in the Rebuilt Jedi Enclaive, before you go after Darth Nihilus.


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