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Observation / Question about Breakdown items...


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I've been playing a bit as a Guardian with only a couple skills - Security, Persuade, and Treat Injury... I eventually discovered an issue.. While, if I want to construct an item that requires a specific skill at a workbench, I can just use Bao-Dur, for example, for repair skill, when I break down an item, I get almost no components. It seems as if breakdown works solely off the main character's skill, while constructing items works off the skill of the character who is using the workbench.


So, it seems to me that this essentially causes the main character to have almost required skills.. I've completed two planets and have barely over 100 components. Nothing breaks down for more than 30 components so far. If I want to construct any item upgrades, then, I *need* repair skill on my main character, because I can find no way of obtaining enough components otherwise. Same with treat injury for breaking things down for chemicals, I assume.


Is it just me, or does this seem like an oversight or a glitch? I mean, your party members can *build* items for you, but only you can break them down? If anyone knows some way to get large numbers of components without having a high repair skill on the main character, I'd be highly interested...as it is, it looks like I'm gonna have to play a Sentinel unless I want to completely skip the whole item creation part of the game - taking an intelligence high enough to have Persuade, Treat Injury, Repair, and Security (I hate breaking things when I bash containers open) as a Guardian is just waay too much - I need 16 INT.

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I mean, your party members can *build* items for you, but only you can break them down?

Playing as Consular, I used Bao-Dur to do all my building / tearing items down & it worked just fine, giving me lots of componets. Of course his repair skill was extremly high so that may have had something to do with it, being my repair was very low; maybe 2 or 3 if that high. & he was tearing down the pricy stuff; sith/mandalorian armor, guns, swords, etc & I'd get a lot of material. Sometimes in the 150-250 range, if memory serves.


I'm sorry it doesn't really answer you're question, that was just my experience.

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That makes me curious, actually.. I have Bao-Dur and am attempting to use him to breakdown items, and it's simply not working.. I'm getting 25 components for an item that on a previous character (who had less Repair skill than he does now) would get nearly 300. I guess I must be running into some kind of bug. :confused:

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Originally posted by Koyasha

That makes me curious, actually.. I have Bao-Dur and am attempting to use him to breakdown items, and it's simply not working.. I'm getting 25 components for an item that on a previous character (who had less Repair skill than he does now) would get nearly 300. I guess I must be running into some kind of bug. :confused:


No, it's not a bug. It seems that different tables give different component values. The one in

Freedon Nadd's

temple for example was giving 10 for

Mandalorian Assault Armor

whereas at the swoop shop in Nar Shadaa I was getting 300.


I am playing through again for the express purpose of testing a hypothesis I have that there are 3 table breakdown values in play.




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I have the same problem. I've beat two planets and I still don't get more than 1 component per item with Bao-Dur. It doesn't matter what workbench I use. On my last game, the only time it worked as it should have, was:


In the Sith Temple where they are performing that ritual. I used Mira and everything just started working. Bao-Dur's repair skill is in the high 20's and he is still getting 1 component per item. This is getting old fast.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've encountered the same problem with my Jedi Guardian. I put all my points into Persuade so I had a zero in Repair. No matter which character I used at the workbench everything had a breakdown value of 1. I outfitted him with a belt and gloves and was able to boost my Repair skill. Now I can get some actual value when breaking down items. (Not as much as if I were a Jedi Sentinel with more skill points to spend in Repair) If different tables yeild different values then that would be useful. A lot of running around though

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Originally posted by repeater123

I've encountered the same problem with my Jedi Guardian. I put all my points into Persuade so I had a zero in Repair. No matter which character I used at the workbench everything had a breakdown value of 1. I outfitted him with a belt and gloves and was able to boost my Repair skill. Now I can get some actual value when breaking down items. (Not as much as if I were a Jedi Sentinel with more skill points to spend in Repair) If different tables yeild different values then that would be useful. A lot of running around though



I figured it out, you are right it is based off the PC.


I encountered the same paradigm playing as a guardian too but the thing is that when I was getting the 10 in

Freedon Nadd's Place

the PC is NOT IN THE PARTY for tabulation of the skill. I am also wondering if there is a max value for breakdown?


Will post more as I see it.

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Well I think it's time for a little quote. This is what Akari, a developper at Obsidian, says about the workbench and breakdown values:


Hm... I believe the bug is that it ever uses the other party member's skills at all, actually.


I remember back when the workbench stuff was going into the game, I pushed for the workbench to respect the skill level of whichever NPC was using it, but the designer in charge of workbench wanted it so that the PC's skills were all that mattered when it came to using the Workbench to make it so that points spent in the repair skill for the PC were more valuable.


I guess in the end you got something inbetween.



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