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Complaint and a Question


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I am a huge fan of the KotOR series and have thoroughly enjoyed both games. I must say they are some of the best RPG's I have played. I will tell you now that I have a tendency to gravitate to the Dark Side, and thus comes the complaint.


One of the big features that was advertised for the game was the choice to choose- good or evil. In the second installment, you were even supposed to have an influence over your companions. I will not deny that there was some influence involved, but nothing enough to get excited about. And so my complaint is this: There is simply not enough options of being evil. No matter what choices you make, you cannot get around the set pattern. I realize the game cannot be truly open-ended, and that there must be a limited choice or the game would be to huge to create, but I believe their could be some changes.


For instance, though it was fixed slightly in KotOR II, no matter how evil you are, you still must fight and kill all Dark Jedi and Sith you encounter. You must (almost) always fight on the side of the "good" guys. Though my face is black and I am totally evil, I still find myself killing those that are like me, and walking around with the 'Goodies.' Again, it wasn't so bad in the second as the first, but I still find myself killing everyone bad and not having a choice about it. It is rather aggravating.


And so that leads to my question. What are the chances of a game being created where you can be truly evil and command others that are like you? I believe many would thoroughly enjoy that. (It might not be possible in the KotOR series, but there are always other games to be made..) A game where you begin as evil, within the evil camp, and will remain evil killing not the Sith warriors, but those of the Republic. I hate having to kill those who I want as my allies.



Maybe this is wishful thinking, and I would assume this poorly written thread will not be noticed nor read by anyone who could answer it or possibly have an impact on. Oh well. I will continue to play the games, but I think a game such as above would be a great addition. (And so this isn't deleted, this isn't a game suggestion so much as an opinion of a frusterated fan.)



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I'd really like to see something like that myself. Like at the character creation screen an option of "choose your path" would be cool. Choosing to either redeem yourself or continue to destroy the weak from the beginning, would be a welcome addition to SW games. I found it annoying that you have to destroy all of your future troops/followers as well. Though with K1 it did make some sence, being they were just about all traitors.


Though, I don't really see it happening in the KotoR series (could be wrong), hopefully LA will get/keep an idea like this in mind when designing another game series.


Welcome to the boards btw.



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I agree that is probably isn't likely to even be considered for the next installment in the series. While it is possible, some may think it would compromise the spirit of the game. Even so, I really like the game engine and features, I would just like to see it done with a different storyline and more options for being who you truly want to be. To go beyond just how you are in the Start screen and integrate it into the storyline, more so than just a different comment from whom you are speaking with.


Maybe one day we will see a game where you really can take command of the Sith armies and hunt all Jedi down. :D All the while learning Sith philosphies and studying in their academies. That would be secks.




Thanks for the welcome. :)

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Originally posted by Ganesss

And so that leads to my question. What are the chances of a game being created where you can be truly evil and command others that are like you? I believe many would thoroughly enjoy that. (It might not be possible in the KotOR series, but there are always other games to be made..) A game where you begin as evil, within the evil camp, and will remain evil killing not the Sith warriors, but those of the Republic. I hate having to kill those who I want as my allies.


There is a non-starwars game somewhat like that. Ever heard of Gothic? I haven't played Gothic 2, but in the original one you join one of three camps: New Camp, Old Camp and Sect Camp. If you join the New Camp, you disagree with the methods of the Old Camp, and fighting ensues. The same works the other way around: if you join the Old Camp, you fight the New Camp (and infiltrate it, I believe). Finally, the Sect Camp is a neutral one, and they don't take part in many battles: you receive neutral quests, pray to the gods, and smoke a lot (I'm serious!).


It's been a while since I've played but that's what I think it's like. Maybe you should check out that game...


Oh and welcome to the boards! :)

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Originally posted by Ganesss

In the second installment, you were even supposed to have an influence over your companions. I will not deny that there was some influence involved, but nothing enough to get excited about.


For instance, though it was fixed slightly in KotOR II, no matter how evil you are, you still must fight and kill all Dark Jedi and Sith you encounter.



First point i clipped I agree 100% with. That inlfuence thing was almost useless for me. I guess you can drag some more story elements out but no game chaning events- like someone could leave or something, at least that I've found.


As far as no dark side options, lets see



I blew up a fuel depot on purpose knowing it would hose the galaxy.

Screwed over an effort to rehab an entire planet that will cascade through to dozens of other worlds.

Aided a military coup d'etat on another.

Helped mercs overthrow a well meaning but ineffective government on another.

Started my own slave ring on another planet.

Plus a host of minor thefts of helpless refugees and killings of receptionists and the like. I felt plenty bad and unlike KoTR I where I felt like I did the same things light and dark on the macro scale I just used different dialog options to get there in TSL I felt like I was really doing things differently.


As for killing Sith Lords, well that is what Sith Lords do to each other. Cooperation isn't high on a Sith's to do list. If I wanted to ascend to the dark throne then all of them had to die since they stood in my way- just like Malak was in Revan's way.


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Killing Sith Lords isn't my main point. As I said earlier, I understand how that works. Of course, there should be different ways to go about it (i.e. instead of just killing them all, kill the Lord and take his position over, actually being able to do stuff, etc) versus just killing and moving on.


Mainly I was talking about being forced to kill all Dark Jedi/Sith you encounter, instead of working with them. You simply don't have that option.


Another Example:



In KotOR I, when at the Sith Academy, you have no option but to kill your mentors- BOTH of them. I tried every single dialgue option available. You kill them and leave the Academy, instead of having the option to learn from the Sith. :( Pewp on that!




I know it's the premise. I dont like that premise. :p I don't like the way it is set up.

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Although in kotor 2

you often have the option to chose who you kill and what side you take, and more particularily on Dantoine and Onderon where your decisions will change who sides with you at the end of the game. I think this is already an improvement.




Originally posted by Ganesss

Another Example:



In KotOR I, when at the Sith Academy, you have no option but to kill your mentors- BOTH of them. I tried every single dialgue option available. You kill them and leave the Academy, instead of having the option to learn from the Sith. :( Pewp on that!



That's not totally true

you could side with Uthar and put him on your side if you didn't double-cross him. He tells you that he will wait for you until you defeat your appreantice.

If you want to take this a little further, you can try my recruitable Dustil mod :p (click on "my website" link in my sig.)

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