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Sith cantina

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oke this is a cantina for sith oke if you are something else you get killt if you want something ask me i am the bartender i am behind the bar.


i go to the back i let my assin droid handel the bar i go practice with prisoners i let him free i give him a weapon i go duel


his sword is going in the direction of my shoulder i block i jump over him i use my lightsaber to cut his back open he falls down he is dead i say dam easy one i go to the bar the droid leafs i go sit en drinking rum

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i turn looking for chains i run out the cantina i see him running i use force stasis you cant move i walk to you put a energie rope on your arms en legs you cant move them i bring you to the TORTURE ROOM oke talk the room is dark a big light is on chains you see only a shadow from me en red eyes you are sitting on a chair i say are you interested to be a dark jedi en my apprentice ???

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*Chains closes eyes and meditates while Darth-Destroyer is force shocking him...

Suddenly Chains jumps up and uses statis on the 2 Sith.*


*Takes out comlink*

"Master...Come in...Master???"

"The war has already started..."


*Chains runs to the hangar, steals a ship and heads to Dantooine.*


(I'm actualy a Jedi Watchman.)

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"I will help you IF you help me..."

"You must kill 2 of YOUR dark jedi..."

"And Ill pick which ones..."

*Points out two Dark Jedi*

[Force Persuade]"Kill them...NOW!"

[sucsess]*Darth-Destroyer attacks and kills the 2 Dark Jedi*

"Thank you now I will turn to the darkside...

*Takes tests by killing Prisoners that are Jedi Knights*

*Uses a workbench to turn saber Red*

*Equips Dark Jedi Robes*

Dont forget about Piece of Metal!

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oke chains or shal i say Darth chains. oke if you want to follow me we go to the ship, we are now on my battel cruiser, commander bring my apprentice to his room, yes lord Cassus, i walk to the bridge i say, set course to korriban, yes lord Cassus, i walk to chains room en i say, now that you are *realy* on the dark side you can walk on the ship where you want , you can visite the training room to practice with republic prisoners en you can practice with assault droids, if you look for me i am on the bridge


i walk out room en going to the bridge


en chains my mind is not weak so your persuade doesent work but i wil kill 1 dark jedi en i pick that one i pick one i use force storm he is dead

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