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Infinite Exp Glitch for those who want it...two methods (Spoilers)


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For those who want it, below are two methods to use an infinite experience glitch in the game:


1.On the planet korriban with the sith corpses that spawn a set of Hssiss the first time you examine them, there is a glitched corpse that infinately spawns Hssiss.

The corpse is located in the Sith Temple at the end of the Shryak Caves. After the second "Vision" involving the mined bridge, head east to a path split, then head south until you reach a small room. In the center of the room is the jedi corpse, and each time you examine it 2 Hssiss spawn in the room. If you have a high enough Force Storm and Death Feild, you should be able to harvest 40 Hssiss at a time with no risk to your health (Death Feild x Lots of enemies = Full Health). And since each Hssiss is worth 400xp thats like 16,000xp every 45 seconds. Credit to invertmylateralus


2. Nar Shaddaa Refugee Sector



good persuade skill

low treat injury skill


1. Kill Serocco gang

2. Get quest from Hussef (middle of refugee camp) to persuade Exchange to lessen their pressure on the refugees

3. Find Geriel, talk to him bout his disease to get the journal entry "Plague Carrier"

4. Talk to Saquesh:

a-->"There is a diseased refugee",

b-->"[Persuade] Lessen your hold on them...",

c--> "I do not have the means to cure him"

d-->then pick fourth/bottom-most option to close the conversation


5. Get journal entry of completed quest: "You have given refugees some space by defeating the Serocco and persuading the Exchange... (paraphrase)", as well as 1000exp.

6. Repeat the whole conversation process right there on step #4 (you dont necessarily have to pick option c as a response the next times around, you can simply pick the bottommost option to close the conversation) to get the ones on #5...


Credit to Richter13

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If you are playing Dark Side FP should regenerate on their own, the difficulty lies in playing Light Side, I asssume there is a "penalty" since you are in the Sith Tomb and are opposite alignment.


I have a Light Side Character and although it takes about 10 minutes when fully depleted my Force Points do regenerate. I have the Sith Mask & Grey Jedi Robe equipped, both generate FP although it takes a few minutes to refill the bar. I also use Force Channel when fighting.


I kill all the Hssiss and then wait about 10 minutes and both Vitality and FP are fully restored.

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Originally posted by pro_goalie30

If you have a high enough Force Storm and Death Feild, you should be able to harvest 40 Hssiss at a time with no risk to your health (Death Feild x Lots of enemies = Full Health). And since each Hssiss is worth 400xp thats like 16,000xp every 45 seconds. Credit to invertmylateralus

Hmm... being my XBox is a newer one, so I don't know how it would work on an older one. But FYI there is no way to have 40 Hssiss in the room at one time without it crashing on you, mine crashed out at 16-18, I have found the safe number to be 10-12 Hssiss at a time without suffering a crash, though it still happens occasionally.


Bug exploiters beware...


I hope this saves someone some trouble! :D

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There is another one for DS players that gives you DS points + 1000Xp each time and +2 strenght to Hanrar ( or whatever is his name):




Talk to Hanrar and ask him why he follows you. The ask about the life debt and convince him that he should free himself from such primitive customs. Then, tell him that he can walk your path. He will gain + 2 strenght will loose - 2 intelligence each time you do this but don't worry: once the intelligence reaches 0, it will "drop" to 230 and that is also tons of new skills :p



This thread was already started here: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=141476 but I am leaving it opened. Consider using the search function ;)

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