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What happend to bastilla?


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I was hopeing to see

more of her in this game. the only time I saw her was in the sith academy when you use that sith holocron but that didnt tell you much and in that sith temple on korriban.

What happend to her? Is she dead?Also I read in a magazine somewere that revan returns in the game. I never seen him once in the game(or did I miss him) and never had that so called conversation with atton about wether he was male or female,stayed dark or came to the light. Was he in here?


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Originally posted by GeneralGrievous

I was hopeing to see more of her in this game.

the only time I saw her was in the sith academy when you use that sith holocron but that didnt tell you much and in that sith temple on korriban.

What happend to her? Is she dead?

That is where she shows up, it leaves the question of her being alive up in the air, and it is probably due to how KOTOR ended.

Originally posted by GeneralGrievous

Also I read in a magazine somewere that revan returns in the game. I never seen him once in the game(or did I miss him)


You fight a Ghost of Revan in the Sith Tomb on Korriban, also Revan is mentioned throughout the whole game as having gone alone beyond the rim to unexplored space.


Originally posted by GeneralGrievous

and never had that so called conversation with atton about wether he was male or female,stayed dark or came to the light. Was he in here?

Yup that dialogue has been in there every time for me;



That conversation is held when you talk to Atton on Peragus Asteroid the first time you meet him, when he is in the cell before you let him out. You probably missed it by releasing him without questioning him first, doing this tells the game you don't know about the end of KOTOR and sets Revan up as a LS Male, if I'm not mistaken.



You have to ask the NPC's things when you get the chance, the NPC's in the game will tell you a TON, if you take the time to ask them when you can.


I hope this helps! :D

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Seriously, I think it was my mind playing with me,

but I DID saw her, at the very end of the chat with Carth, when I was leaving the room, she appeared on the same room, and before I watched her closely, the scene fade out, I THOUGHT IT WAS A BUG, SERIOUSLY, because she just appeared from air, and Im just saying it's her because she wears the same clothes; Is she the SAME bastila?





Have I said i finished it in 25 hours the fisrt time; but reading your poss I've realized I missed a lot of quests....


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