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[Spoiler] Assualt !!! on Dxun!


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Okay now im on Dxun i like takin it slow purposely so i dont miss much... well heres my problem...


Okay for the Sith that landed on dxun i took Atton, bao Dur and Handmaiden and we keep dieing actually only atton really but theres jedi at the top any good suggestions how to avoid em or even kill them??? i always get killed by the Elite Sith Troops.. Melee gets em good but i use Bao dur to stay back and shoot dunno why but ANY GOOD SUGGESTIONS??? im stuck >_< should have taken a jedi with me :p


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there has to be a way without jedi... I think if i use Atton as a Dead/revive person i will only cut down the soldiers to half maybe and the funny part is.... atton killed a dark jedi in one blaster shot... i was like LAZER BURN! well anyways someone please help?! should i give atton a melee?


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i did it once with T3, mandalore and handmaiden... 0 jedi. Just mandi with some percise shot. and handmaiden with her staff and normal atire... gotta love that hood. :D




use the terminal with someone with high computer skill to access the "foothold" program. This should help you gain entry easier.... there's also another generator to the far left of the ramp that controls some droids.




once inside... use lots of shields, melee shields if you get in close. Energy shields against lightsabers. Have T3 use stun alot, pretty much any of his stuff. Don't forget T3s shield as well. He should also be able to devote some time to chucking grenades. Remember that you can "use" one item for each character in the item list screen. Handy when your in a tight spot.




I suggest having Baudur(sp) and atton cover fire while handmaiden runs in there and finishes the job... at least get her into the thickest fray so at least some will stop shooting your other guys up. Keep a meelee shield active on her though..



that probably didn't help at all

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i didnt listen to what you said but this is what i did...



At the part where i face the 3 dark jedi i jus ran around the arena BADLY harmed really low health on all... and came back slowly and slowy and slowy only took 10 mins to kill all jedi... i timed it right for atton to come back to life :) then he killed the Master and Handmaiden killed the Rest.. Bao dur just died at start :p


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First try: Visas, Bao-Dur, Mandalore.



Only Visas was the Jedi....and she and Bao-Dur were taken down in ten seconds.


So I just made Mandalore run around the square thing, and kept shooting them when it was safe. :blast10:




Then of course in my next game(s), my party were all Jedi. :D


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Originally posted by Kavar

You know what's awesome? You can just activate stealth and run past them in solo mode and it will automatically transport your whole party to the next part, that's what I did.:p


Yes, you could do that, but I'm sure others would prefer to be more direct... :D





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