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Influence on HK


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No, You'll automatically get DS points. Or maybe you

should try installing the "HK pacifier" (or whatever it's called) that you can get on Nar Shadaa from the Rodian merchant once you restablish trade routes with Dantoine and Onderon. I intalled it once but I was playing DS so I uninstalled it right away and got 2000 XP.

I don't know if you can access new dialogue where you cna gain influence with LS options if you leave it installed :confused: perhaps someone can clarify this.


Anyways, the few lines I got with this program wehre pretty funny :D

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Nope, I'm an LS wimp, and I was pretty much forced to take it out. The item's good for the experience and the bonuses that you and HK get from the experience.


(HK gets +3 to his awareness, and not sure how much, but his Will saves and Wisdo are increased as well, probably by 1.)


That was one of the funniest dialogues in the game. :D

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